The Director of UNESCO to Samoa, Nair-bedouelle, Shamila, paid a courtesy visit the Samoa Victim Support Group this week, as one of UNESCO’s implementing partners for the Samoa Spotlight Initative to End Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence.
The visit was to sign the contract for Phase II of the Performing Arts Awareness Raising program delivered by SVSG; which further puts the Spotlight on Ending Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence, through the ‘My Village. My Pride’ initiative.
It also presented an opportunity for SVSG to meet the Director and congratulate her on her post. The discussion then focused on an overview of SVSG’s support services, from its humble beginnings to where the Group is as todate.
SVSG has been working in partnership with the UNESCO Spotlight Initiative since 2020 through youth engagement programs, performing arts awareness raising, and the latest, being the Tech Solution developed now utilized for SVSG’s case management.
“SVSG’s partnership with UNESCO under the Spotlight Initiative have added value to prevention work to address domestic violence and intimate partners, through inclusive and culturally relevant approaches. We look forward to covering more communities through Phase II of the Performing Arts Awareness Program.” Sililniu Lina Chang, SVSG President