The Commissioner of the Ministry of Police & Prisons, Auapaau Logoitino Filipo joined the number of supporters who have visited the children survivors of violence under the care of the Samoa Victim Support Group following the car incident over the weekend, which had threatened the security of the Campus of Hope shelter facility.
Speaking to the children during his visit this week, Auapaau reassured the children of the Ministry’s commitment to ensure that they are safe from further harm, as the gates to the Campus has been damaged from the reckless driver.
Even the babies and the toddlers at the House of Blessing nursery on Campus, were included in the Commissioner’s visit
The Faleata Police have been very helpful during this time, through their patrolling the area while awaiting the contruction of a new and solid gate.
Speaking to the children during his visit this week, Auapaau reassured the children of the Ministry’s commitment to ensure that they are safe from further harm, as the gates to the Campus has been damaged from the reckless driver.
Even the babies and the toddlers at the House of Blessing nursery on Campus, were included in the Commissioner’s visit
The Faleata Police have been very helpful during this time, through their patrolling the area while awaiting the contruction of a new and solid gate.
SVSG President Siliniu Lina Chang, acknowledged the prompt response from the Faleat Police following the incident, and the continued support throughout this time. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the various support networks, churches, familes and friends of SVSG for reaching out to us, offering counselling support for the children and the carers, visiting and spending quality time with us as we’ve come to terms with the impact of this incidence to the saving lives work SVSG delivers.”