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Apia, SAMOA – Australia is supporting Samoa and the region’s media professionals through the delivery of mobile journalism (MOJO) training. 

Through the Australian Government’s Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS), a team from ABC International Development is currently in Samoa delivering MOJO training to the Government of Samoa’s Broadcasting Services, Radio 2AP and TV9, as well as the Journalists Association of Samoa (JAWS).

The Australian High Commission was pleased to join 2AP and TV9 for the first day of MOJO training, and also handed over a journalism kit to support their work.

The Australian High Commission’s Second Secretary, Mr Thomas Hayes, spoke about Australia’s commitment to supporting strong and independent journalism across the region.

“What underpins Australia’s long history of support for the media sector in Samoa and the Pacific, is our shared belief that a strong and independent media sector is essential for thriving democracies,” said Mr. Hayes.

Mr Hayes also highlighted 2AP’s long and proud history of delivering news to Samoa’s people, as well as being the gold standard in broadcasting official information in times of crisis and disasters.

Misa Victoria Lepou, Assistant Chief Executive Officer for the Broadcasting Services Division, thanked PACMAS and the ABC International Development team for their support.

“As Samoa’s oldest broadcaster, we are grateful to the continued support of ABC International Development and PACMAS for always been the backbone of supporting our work.  This kit surely will keep our team mobile in producing more community stories.  It is a user-friendly kit that I hope will keep the staff motivated and realise the importance of multidisciplinary approach,” said Misa.  

Ms Lagi Keresoma, the President of the Journalists Association of Samoa, highlighted the importance of the MOJO training for local media professionals.

“We recognise the increasingly evolving ways in which people consume news and media in the digital era.  As journalists, we need to adapt and be responsive in how we deliver information, and this training will certainly support our work in maintaining a robust and effective media sector,” said Ms Keresoma.

PACMAS is funded by the Australian Government and managed by ABC International Development.  It aims to support the development of a diverse, professional and independent media sector in the Pacific, as well as creating opportunities for Australian and Pacific journalists to learn from one another.

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