(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT) – Back at the helm of the Electric Power Corporation for his second three years in office as General Manager, Faumui Iese Toimoana Electric Power Corporation reappointment is articulated on a Cabinet decision reached at its weekly meeting on Wednesday 22nd November 2023.
Faumui brings over 29 years of service within the field of energy with 20 of those years with EPC.
A former Samoa Water Authority for five years, Faumui’s local employment services is complemented by his regional experiences as the Pacific Power Association Renewable Energy Adviser.
He holds a combination of a Master and Undergraduate qualifications.
He completed his Master in Engineering Science from the Queensland University of Technology in 1999. In 1994, Faumui graduated with a Bachelor of Engineer from Curtain University.
Only two candidates including Faumui had applied for the post.
Toe tofia Faumui ma Fa’atonu Sili Aoao o le E.P.C.
(SO’O’UPU A LE MĀLŌ): I le Fonotaga a le Kapeneta i le Aso Lulu, 22 Novema 2023, na fa’amaonia ai le toe tofia o le Afioga iā Faumui Iese Toimoana e avea ma Fa’atonu Sili Aoao mo le Fa’alapotopotoga o Malosi’aga Tau ‘Eletise (E.P.C.) mo le isi tolu tausaga.
O lea tamāli’i o le atunu’u, ua silia i le 29 tausaga o tautua i auaunaga tau malosi’aga, a’o le 20 o ia tausaga na galue ai i le Fa’alapotopotoga o Malosi’aga Tau ‘Eletise.
Na galue ai i le Pulega o Suāvai mo le 5 tausaga, o se tamāli’i ua lava lona silafia i lana matātā aemaise ai o le telē o lona tomai i lea itu’āiga galuega e pei fo’i ona galue ai o se Faufautua mo le Asosi o Malosi’aga Fa’afouina a le Pasefika.
O lo’o ia umia fa’ailoga mauāluluga i le Fa’ainisinia, e pei ona i ai le Master in Engineering Science mai le Iunivesite Fa’atekonolosi a Kuiniselani i le 1999 ma le Bachelor of Engineer i le Iunivesite a Curtain i le 1994.
O le lua ai lea o ana nofoā’iga ta’i tolu tausaga, o i ai le fa’atuatuaga a le Kapeneta na te va’aia ma ta’ita’ia le Fa’alapotopotoga o Malosi’aga Tau ‘Eletise i le atunu’u.
E to’alua i Faumui tagata sa tusi talosaga mo lea avanoa.