TATTE, Fogafale 1, 26 Ianuari 2024
Lau Susuga i le Taitai o le Sauniga – Rev Pulemau Seve
Minisita Lagolago – Lau Tofa Seuamuli Fasi Toma
Members of the Diplomatic Core
United Nations Resident Coordinator
Faauluuluga o Matagaluega ma Faalapotopotoga o le Malo
Sui o Faalapotopotoga Tumaoti ma Pisinisi
Komiti Faufautua
Samoa ua potopoto
Talofa Lava
Upu Tomua:
E taofi o lea ua motu i lagi le fetu taimatagi, o le faapolo ma le faasagi i lo tatou Tapaau sili i le lagi. Ao sa tatou faafetai i le Atua ona o lona agalelei ma lona alofa iai tatou. Ae o sa tatou faanonoga manu i le Atua, ina ia aualiitia lenei aso ma le faamoemoe, e pei ona fitaituga ai le Susuga i le Faafeagaiga taulagi – Rev Pulemau Seve, mai le EFKS i Foailalo, Savaii.
Tau ia ina ia logo i fofoga o le Atua, ma ia faia e tusa o lona lava finagalo, ma ia to ana faamanuiaga i lo outou soifua ma lo tatou ola. Ia saga faaosofia pea e lona agaga moegaluaga aua le feagai ai ma valaauina eseese ua faaaoga ai i tatou e le Atua.
A’o le tatalo, ia saga faa-tamaoaiga ina pea e le Atua lau susuga i le faafeagaiga, ia maua le malosi faasili i le tino ma le mafaufau, a ia faasili i le agaga, aua le feagai ai ma le galuega talai, ina ia maua nisi agaga se tele mo le Atua ma lona finagalo.
A’o le asō, e iai le talitonuga ua tatou talatalanoa a ua i alo e pei o le upu i le faiva o folauga. Ua tatou mua atu mua mai e pei o le upu i le tautiaga nai Salafai, aua ua sau le vaa na tiu, tau mai le vaa na tau, ao mamau lago o le vaa na faoafolau. ‘A ua malo afua ailao ua maua, ua faataunuu lenei foi faamoemoe.
Ae tau ia ina ou faatalofa ma faafeiloai i le paia ma le mamalu ua sasao nei. O paia faa-le-malo, o paia faa-le-ekalesia tainane Samoa ua potopoto. E le faagaloina a tatou paaga mai fafo. O o outou paia, sa ma mamalu, e iai le lagona e le gafataulima i se faamatalaga, ia nu’unu’u atu ia faatini o tausala, aua o paia e lē popo o le pa fo’i e le solo. O paia mai le vavau e o’o i le fa’avavau.
O le auga o aute o le aso, o le faalauiloa aloaia lea o le Lipoti Suesuega o Tagata Faigaluega ma le Faa-faigaluegaina o Tamaiti 2022.
O lipoti nei o suesuega sa faatino ua mafai ona faailoa mai nisi o faamaumauga ma faamatalaga o faailoilo o loo lipoti ai Samoa i Manulauti o Atinae Gafataulimaina 2030 (SDG 2030) e pei o:
- Faailoilo 5.4.1 (new): Vaega o i latou e 5 tausaga agai i luga o loo galue i galuega faalotoifale e leai se totogi (76%) ma galuega tausi e leai se totogi (27.9%). E fou lenei faailo.
- Faailoilo 5.5.2 – Vaega o tamaitai o loo umia tulaga tofi maualuluga i galuega (9% – 2012 & ua siitia ile 12.6% – 2022)
- Faailoilo 8.3.1 – Vaega o Galuega le aloaia (37.3% – 2017 ma ua tuuitiitia nei ile 25.3% ile 2022)
- Faailoilo 8.5.1- Totogi masani i masina o tagata faigaluega (SAT 1,268 – 2017 ma ua siitia ile SAT 1,620)
- Faailoilo 8.5.2 – Pasene o e e leai ni galuega (14.7% – 2012 ma ua tuuitiitia ile 5% ile 2022)
- Faailoilo 8.6.1 – Vaega o Tupulaga e le o aooga pe faigaluega. (35% ile 2012 ma ua tuuitiitia ile 30.1% ile 2022)
- Faailoilo 8.7.1 (new) – Vaega o le Fanau e 5 – 17 tausaga o loo auai i galuega poo faafaigaluega (11.5%). E fou lenei faailoilo
- Faailoilo 9.2.2 – Galuega gaosi Oloa (6.8% 2012, 6.0% ile 2022)
O le tuufaatasiga o lenei lipoti ma faailoilo o le a mafai ona faaaoga e le Malo, o pisinisi ma faalapotopotoga ma tagata mo faaiuga fai ma tuufaatasi ai faiga faavae e siitia ai le soifua manuia lautele.
It gives me great pleasure to be here today and be part of this occasion, the official launching of the 2022 Samoa’s Labour Force and Child Labour Survey Report together with a brief summary of key findings.
The 2022 Samoa’s Labour Force and Child Labour Survey is one of the major data collection activities implemented by the bureau under the core program of major data collection activities to meet the need of its users, as reflected in its Samoa Statistics Strategy 2022 – 2026.
At the forefront, this major undertaking is aligned with certain Key Priority Areas outlined in the Pathway for the Development of Samoa FY2021/22 – FY 205/26 namely Key Priority Area 1 (Alleviating Hardship); 3 (Quality Education); 4 (People Empowerment) and 5 (Skilled Workforce).
This report provides key information and valuable insights into certain and pertinent labour force indicators such as employment, unemployment, labour underutilization, youth characteristics, income and hours of work and child labour. Additionally, the impact of Covid-19 on employment is also included in this report to assess the effects of the pandemic on our economy in relation to occupation, industry, working hours and income loss.
With the formulation and the implementation of the Disability Benefit Scheme, the report also provides some statistical insights on persons with disabilities including those being employed, income, and the types of occupation and industries they are engaged in.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Given Samoa’s international commitment to the SDG 2030 agenda, the 2022 Labour Force and Child Labour Survey Report have also identified and compiled certain SDG 2030 indicators for international reporting and monitoring namely;
- Indicator 5.4.1 – proportion of those aged 5 years and above engaged in unpaid domestic work (76% this is a new indicator so no baseline figure) and unpaid domestic care work (27.9% this is a new indicator so no baseline figure)
- Indicator 5.5.2 – proportion of women in managerial positions (9.0% in 2012 and 12.6% in 2022)
- Indicator 8.3.1 – proportion of informal employment in total employment (37.3% in 2017 and 25.3% in 2022)
- Indicator 8.5.1 – average monthly earnings of employees (SAT 1,268 in 2017 and SAT 1,620 in 2022)
- Indicator 8.5.2 – unemployment rate (14.7% in 2012 and 5.0% in 2022)
- Indicator 8.6.1 – proportion of youth not in education, employment or training (35% in 2012 and 30.1% in 2022)
- Indicator 8.7.1 – proportion children aged 5-17 years engaged in child labour (11.5% this is a new indicator so no baseline figure)
- Indicator 9.2.2 – manufacturing employment as share of total employment (6.8% in 2012, 6.0% in 2022)
I strongly believe that the compilation of the above-mentioned SDG labour indicators will greatly assist our SDG task force team in preparing for Samoa’s 3rd VNR (Voluntarily National Review), earmarked for July this year.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Given the volatility of our economy due to certain economic shocks from time to time, I strongly encourage and urge all government bodies and the civil society to formulate relevant and appropriate policies and strategies targeting the different cohorts of our country to foster social harmony and to ensure that no one is left behind.
With those words, I would like to acknowledge and thank our donor partners – ILO (International Labour Organization) and ADB (Asian Development Bank) and also the Government of Samoa for their financial assistance to fund this major undertaking. I would also like to acknowledge the technical assistance provided by both the ILO, ADB and SPC (The Pacific Community) and sincerely hope that we will all continue to work together in the future.
Lastly, a big fa’afetai lava goes out to all members of the community for their continuous support by providing the relevant responses during the fieldwork implementation of the 2022 Labour Force and Child Labour Survey, all the enumerators and the staff members of both the bureau and MCIL (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour) for the successful implementation of this major undertaking.
Soifua ma ia manuia