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“Size Limit in Fisheries Matter!”

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is proud to announce the official launching of the awareness campaign for the Size Limit Regulation 1995, an initiative aimed at preserving and sustaining our valuable marine and fisheries resources.

The event will take place on Wednesday, 5 th June 2024, at the Apia Fish Market, Savalalo Upolu and on Friday, 7 th June 2024 at the Salelologa Market, Savaii. Fisheries stakeholders – fishers, village community representatives, fish market vendors, schools and members of the public are cordially invited to witness this significant milestone in our enforcement efforts.

The theme of our awareness campaign is; “Size Limit in Fisheries Matters!” (Fa’atāua le fua fa’atatau o i’a ma figota i faigafaiva!”), underscores the critical role of adhering to size limits in ensuring the long-term health and viability of our marine ecosystems.

By regulating the size of fish caught, we can safeguard against overfishing and promote sustainable practices that benefit both present and future generations of Samoa.

Fisheries Division – MAF is committed to the sustainable management and development of Samoa’s marine and fisheries resources. Through strategic policies and enforcement measures, we aim to protect our natural heritage while promoting economic growth and food security for all Samoans.

The keynote address will be delivered by the Honourable Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries – Hon. Laaulialemalietoa Leuatea Polataivao Fosi Schdmidt, who will outline the importance of the Size Limit Regulation 1995 and its implications for our fisheries sector. Following the address, guests and attendees will have the opportunity to explore informational booths and displays at the Apia Fish Market, where they can learn more about the regulation and its enforcement.

In a visual display of our commitment to raising awareness, Ministry vehicles are prominently wrapped in the Theme of the event, serving as a mobile ambassadors for responsible fishing and size limits practices.

For more information, please contact Roseti Imo, ACEO-Fisheries on telephone 20369 or email;


SOURCE – Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries – Samoa

Photos by Government of Samoa (Leaosa Faaifo Faaifo and Pule Puleina)

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