OCEAN CAMPUS – 25/06/2024
Lau susuga Rev Lafolafoga Malotau
Sui o fa’alapotopotoga fa’ava o malo ma malo mai fafo
Fa’auluuluga o matagaluega ma fa’alapotopotoga tumaoti a le tatou malo
Le mamalu o le au valaaulia
Ali’i ma tama’ita’i
O lea ua lupepe le taumanuula aua le fa’amoemoe o le asō, o le fa’amanatuina lea o le aso fa’apitoa fa’ava o malo, mo i latou o ali’i ma tama’ita’i o lo’o galulue i luga o va’a femalagaa’i i luga o le sami e le gata i ogasami o le atunu’u lava ia, ae o ogasami fa’ava o malo.
Ua mata lupe le seuga i le asō, ma ua maualuga lenei fa’amoemoe i le afifio mai ma le tala mai o outou aao.
O lea ua uma ona paelago o outou paia ma o outou mamalu e le fofoga o le aso, ma e o le a le toe o’o fo’i i ai se fa’amatalaga aua o paia lava mai le vavau e o’o i le fa’avavau. Ae o le a aga’i sa’o se fa’amatalaga e tusa ai ma auga o aute o le asō.
O le sefulu fa ai lenei o tausaga talu ona fa’amanatuina e le lalolagi le aso fa’apitoa lenei fa’ava o malo mo ali’i ma tama’ita’i faigaluega i luga o va’a.
O le aso 25 o Iuni i tausaga ta’itasi ua atofaina e le fa’alapotoptoga fa’ava o malo mo le puipuia o le si’osi’omaga o le gataifale ma galuega i luga o va’a le International Maritime Organization (IMO), e avea ma aso fapitoa mo tagata faigaluega i luga o va’a e aofia ai ma pailate o lo’o fa’atinoina le galuega o le aumaia i totonu ma le aveina i fafo o va’a la’u oloa ma meli la’u pasese tetele i uafu ma taulaga.
O le tausaga lenei 2024, o loo faapena ona feagai pea tagata faigaluega I luga o vaa ma faafitauli eseese e ui ina ua tea atu le Koviti. Ma e tele naua le sao o tagata faigaluega I luga o vaa aua le feavaaiina o oloa eseese pei o meaai taumafa, taavale afi, oloa faufale, vailaau mo falemai aua le faataavaleina ole tamaoaiga o le lalolagi, o lenei itu lagi ma tatou i Samoa nei.
O galuega tau gataifale ma va’a faavaomalo e tele naua ona tulafono e aiaiia ai tulaga uma ona ole puipuia saogalemu o vaa oloa, lau pasese aemaise le siosiomaga ole vasa loaloa. O le luitau I taimi uma mo latou oloo galulue I luga o vaa ia mafai ona tulaga maualuga lo latou tomai ile faatinoina o matata eseese ao feoai I luga o vaa. O le tiute a le e ona le vaa o loo faigaluega ai soo se tagata soifua ia mautinoa e malu puipuia pe sefe le vaa I taimi uma. Ua faamalosia foi tulaga uma ole Occupation Health and Safety (OSH) I soo se fale faigaluega uma e aafia ai ma vaa.
Ua fa’ailoa mai ai e le failautusi aoao po’o le Secretary General a le International Maritime Organization le autu po’o le theme mo lenei aso fa’apitoa mo i latou o galulue i luga o va’a: “Navigating the future: safety first”. E taua tele au faigaluega I luga o vaa poo seila, aemaise lo latou faatinoina o latou tiute I se tulaga saogalemu e pei ona sa aoaoina ma pasi ai latou.
O loo faaauau pea galuega lelei ma fesootaiga ale tatou Malo e auala atu ile SSS ma tatou fanau oloo galulue I luga o vaa I atunuu I fafo. Ma o loo manuia uma I latou vagana ai le toaititi ua toe taliu mai i Samoa ona o le le usitai I tulafono o galuega. Ma e le ose faafitauli fou lea tulaga ma o loo faaauau pea ona galulue faatasi le SSS ma ana paaga e foia ia tulaga.
Ua maea foi ona tuu sao mai ele Pule Sili ole IMO i lana feau mo tagata faigaluega i luga o vaa lana faamalo I galuega fita e ui ile tle o luitau. O loo ia unaia tagata faigaluega I luga o vaa e faaauau le galulue ma le saogalemu. O loo ia faatauaina foi ona faailoa mai aga saogalemu o loo faatinoina e fesoasoani ai I isi oloo galulue I luga o vaa.
Ma e ao ma taua foi ona tatou faamanatu lenei aso faapitoa e tatou patipatia ai galuega a I latou nei e aafia uma ai ma latou o loo galulue I luga uafu aemaise foi ilatou oloo galulue pe faagotaina le gataifale (fisheries). Out e talitonu o loo faapena foi ona uunaia mai ele ILO le tatou Malo ina ia saini aloaia le tulafano fava o Malo ole Work in Fishing Convention C188.
Ma ou te faafetaia foi Labour Standards on Fishing Vessels (LSOFV) Project i Fiti mo le fesoasoani ile faatupeina ose vaega o lenei faamemoe e auala mai ile SSMA. Ma ou te talitonu e taua tele lea tulaga ona ole taumafai ina ia galulue ma faasoa agavaa, tomai a I latou uma o loo galulue ile gataifale aemaise I aga saogalemu uma.
Ae e le’i fa’ai’uina se fa’amatalaga, e avea lenei itula e avea ai a’u e fai ma sui o le tatou malo, e avatu ai fa’amanuiaga i alo ma fanau uma a samoa o lo’o galulue i luga o meli la’u pasese ma va’a oloa tetele i atunu mamao. O le mea moni, e le o fa’agaloina outou e le tatou malo o lo’o taumafai lava i ni auala e saogalemu ma talafeagai ma le maua ai o nisi galuega.
E fa’amanuia atu fo’i i alo ma fanau o lo’o feagai ma le tautuaina o le mamalu o le tatou atunu’u femalagaa’i i le va o savai’i ma upolu, fa’apea Tutuila ma Tokelau.
Mo ali’i pailate o lo’o tautuaina le tatou uafu fa’ava o malo i apia ma kapeteni, malo le galulue, malo le fa’atoatoa e le faigofie la outou galuega aemaise pe a fa’aletonu le tau.
Ia fa’amanuia le atua ia te outou uma o ali’i ma tama’ita’i galulue i luga o va’a ua fa’apitoa iai lenei aso fa’apitoa fa’ava o malo.
Out e momoli atu foile faamalo ile Asosi o Seafarers (SSMA) mo le faaauauina o lenei faamoemoe taua. O tagata Samoa sa faaigoaina e se tasi tagata folau tautaua o Rokeuaina o tagata folau ole vasa “Navigators Islands”.
Soifua, ma ia manuia.
OCEAN CAMPUS – 25062024
Rev Lafolafoga Malotau
Members of the Diplomatic Core
Heads of government ministries and corporations, private sector
Distinguish guests, ladies and gentlemen
This year marks the 14th anniversary of the world seafarers’ day since the declaration by the international maritime organization in 2010, for the 25th day of June every year as the day for seafarers.
As for this year 2024, seafarers continue to face challenges post Covid 19. As we know Seafarers are the frontline workers, playing an essential role in maintaining the flow of vital goods such as food, building materials, cars, medicines and many other essential items to make world, regional and local economies work.
Maritime and shipping industry is a highly regulated environment as it is a business that cross international borders all the time. The constant challenge therefore for all our seafarers and maritime workers is to keep up with all best industry practices and especially the safety aspect. The ship-owners will and must provide safe working space for all seafarers as Occupation Health and Safety (OHS) now becomes a fundamental right for workers including seafarers.
This year, the day of seafarers campaign calls on member states of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to recognize “Navigating the future: safety first!” Seafarers are key workers and they must continue to work in safe environment, practice safety as they have been trained on all the time.
Our government through Samoa Shipping Services is maintaining effective communication with our seafarers overseas to ensure they remain focus on their tasks although at times we get some of them repatriated through mainly ill-discipline at their work spaces. It is an old problem but our relevant agencies in collaboration with SSMA to continue working out solutions to iron out this problem.
IMO Secretary General Arsenio Dominguez has a personal message to seafarers everywhere, applauding their work across the globe in ensuring global trade through shipping continues in spite of recent challenges like covid and piracy in some regions and especially urging them to continue with safe practices at sea. He has also asked all seafarers to share their safe experiences whilst working on ships or anywhere within maritime sector.
The 2024 day of seafarers’ campaign pays tribute to seafarers, acknowledging their sacrifices and the issues they face. Many seafarers have made sacrifices for their families and loved ones and some have been away from home for months. And one is unfortunate to fall seriously ill whilst on his way to start his contract and has to be repatriated.
This campaign also seeks to raise awareness of the work achieved by seafarers in response to challenges in different shapes and forms and to thank them for their valuable contributions.
We are therefore invited to recognize the ability of seafarers to deliver vital goods and essential services whilst working on ships and not to forget that we also have our local fishermen plying their trade for our local economy and they too are exposed to the elements most of the time. Most of the fishermen are required to learn basic safety practices through our Maritime School in collaboration with MAF.
Needless to remind ourselves that this special day and campaign encourages everyone to treat seafarers, maritime workers and fishermen with the respect and dignity they deserve so that they continue to provide their vital services to keep world trade moving.
I am aware that ILO is also persuading Samoa to ratify Work in Fishing Convention C 188 and am grateful that Labour Standards on Fishing Vessels (LSOFV) Project based in Fiji has contributed to funding this event through Samoa Seafarers and Maritime Association (SSMA). This is very important so that all people that work at sea whether be seafarer or fishermen must collaborate and share experiences and especially in the name of safety first!!
Before I conclude, I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of our government to congratulate all our seafarers who are serving on board our domestic vessels, our pilots and captains and crews of pilot boats who are responsible in bringing in and taking out of cargo and cruise ships in our port of Apia, and particularly our seafarers who made sacrifices working on board container vessels, cruise ships operating in the international waters. Remember to work safely to ensure successful journeys.
Lastly, I congratulate SSMA for keeping the tradition going for all to be aware of the importance of this old trade in which we are proudly called by early Dutch voyager Rogeveen, the Navigators Islands.
God bless you all
SOURECE – Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure Samoa
