Aso Faraile, 16 Aokuso 2024
Susu o lau susuga ile taitai ole sauniga, afifio sui o a tatou pa’aga mai fafo, afioga Will Robinson, afioga Sialei Vantoor ma sui o le Faletupe ole Lalolagi (World Bank)
Ua fa’amauina pea le fa’aauau o faigafa’apa’aga lelei a le Malo o Samoa ma le Faletupe ole Lalolagi, le Malo o Ausetalia ma le Malo Niusila mo le tele o tausaga ua mavae se’ia o’o mai lava ile asō.
O le tele o nei fesoasoani e aofia ai le auina mai o konesale I tomai ma agava’a ese’ese, aua le fautuaina o atina’e ese’ese mo le manuia o tagata nu’u o Samoa, ae le gata I lea o le tele o fesoasoani tau tupe o loo sasa’a mai pea ma manuia ai si o tatou atunu’u i ona vaega ma’oti ese’ese.
E tusa ai ma fa’amaumauga a le soifua maloloina, ole 75 pasene o gasegase e mafua mai i fa’ama’i lē pipisi (NCD) ma ua ova atu ma le 50 pasene ua maliliu laiti, ma le ole mafua’aga tonu foi lea o le tele o a tatou tagata nu’u oloo auina atu pea i fafo mo togafitiga.
Ona o lenei lava fa’afitauli oloo feagai pea ma si o tatou atunu’u, o le mafua’aga tonu lea o loo ave ai lava le fa’amamafa ma le fa’amuamua a le Tai’ala mo le Soifua Maloloina, ina ia toe fagufagu ma toe fa’aolaola le galulue ma nu’u ma afio’aga i tua ina ia aumai le latou lagolago ile fa’atinoina o polokalame ma galuega fa’atino a le Matagaluega e tauala atu ile Polokalame ole PENFAASAMOA aua le tausia pea ole ola maloloina o tagata uma, aemaise lava i nai o tatou fanau i totonu o nu’u ma afio’aga ta’itasi. Ma oloo fa’amauina foi le aogā ma le taua tele o lenei polokalame i nisi atunu’u ole lalolagi.
Ina ia mafai ona fa’atino nei polokalame, o le mafua’aga tonu lea ole fesoasoani lenei mai i o tatou pa’aga I lalo ole polokalame ma galuega fa’atino mo le fa’aleleia o le soifua maloloina o Samoa mo se taunu’uga lelei (PforR), lea na auina mai ai nei ta’avale (Vans) e iva i lona tauaofai e SAT$877,500.00. O lona famoemoega autu, ina ia mafai ona fesoasoani atu nei ta’avale poo nei aseta taugatā ma le taua aua le fa’atinoina o polokalame i tua i nu’u ma afio’aga.
O lenei fesoasoani o le a fa’asafua atu mo falema’i fa’aitumalo e 4 mo Savaii ma le 3 mo Upolu ona o le taimi nei, oute le mā e fa’ailoa atu oloo fa’aoga e nisi o Falema’i Fa’aitumalo ia ta’avale e ave ai gasegase i fa’alavelave tutupu fa’afuase’i poo ambulance e fa’atino ai nei galuega fa’asoifua maloloina, a o nisi foi ua fa’aoga lava a latou ta’avale ona o le lē lava o ta’avale e fa’atino ai nei galuega taua.
Ma ole mafua’aga tonu lena ole taua tele o nei ta’avale aua le fa’atinoga o galuega fa’asoifua maloloina a le Matagaluega i tua i nu’u ma afioga’aga mo se manuia lautele o nai o tatou tagata.
O lea e fai ai lo’u leo fa’atauva’a e fai ma fofoga tau molimoli a le Malo o Samoa, e fa’afetaia ai a tatou pa’aga e pei ole Faletupe ole Lalolagi (World Bank), le Malo o Ausetalia ma le Malo o Niu Sila mo le fa’atupega o lenei fesoasoani taua ma le aoga, aua lava galuega fa’atino ma polokalame a le Matagaluega mo le fa’aitiitia ma le tau fofoina o Fa’ama’i lē pipisi (NCD) I totonu o Samoa.
Ua matou talia fa’aatua ele’ele lenei fesoasoani ma o le a matou tausia fa’alelei ina ia mautinoa le umi ona aogā aua polokalame ma galuega fa’atino a le Matagaluega.
Ia fa’amanuia tele Le Atua ia te outou uma aemaise o la outou loto fesoasoani aua le malo o Samoa mo a taeao.
Soifua ma ia Manuia.
Statement by the Honourable Valasi Toogamaga Selesele, Minister of Health Official Hand over of 9 Vehicles funded under the Health System Strengthening Program for Results
Friday, August 16 2024
Lau Susuga ile taitai ole sauniga, His Excellency Will Robinson, Excellency Sialei Vantoor, World Bank Representative.
The World Bank, Australia, and New Zealand are some of the key partners in Samoa’s development over the past years, in which Samoa has benefited significantly, through the provision of technical expertise; and financial assistance for several sectors of Government.
For Samoa, NCDs accounts for 75 percent of its disease burden with more than 50 percent of all premature deaths; and are the major reason for seeking overseas medical treatment.
Samoa’s current Health Sector Plan prioritizes the revival of Primary Health Care system and community engagement with the PEN Fa’a Samoa initiative as its centerpiece. And the evidence is there from all over the world, which proves that this approach works.
The vehicles were funded under the Health System Strengthening Program for Results (PforR), at the cost of SAT$877,500 including tax. The main focus of the PforR is on scaling up the essential interventions of NCD control at the primary health care and community setting.
This donation of vehicles will be distributed to all the health facilities in Upolu and Savaii, in which many of the RDHs are using ambulances for their outreach programs, and some are using their private vehicles as well.
We note the significance of the vehicles which will greatly contribute to our preparation and prevention efforts as well as ongoing community programs.
On behalf of the Government and People of Samoa I wish to thank the World Bank, Government of Australia and New Zealand for your commitment in assisting Samoa’s national efforts in combating the burden of NCDs.
Again, we thank our Development Partners for the continuous support in these critical times and we wish you well in your term at office.
Soifua and God bless you all.
Photo by the Government of Samoa (Leaosa Faaifo Faaifo)