Lau susuga i le ta’ita’i o le sauniga – Reverend Dr. Siaosi Salesulu.
Afifio Sui o Mālo mai atunuu i fafo, i Samoa nei.
Fa’auluuluga o Matagaluega ma Pulega Tuma’oti a le Mālō.
Komesina, Pulega ma le Nofo a Ta’ita’i o le Matagaluega o Leoleo, Falepuipui ma le Toefuataiga.
Tupu ma e’e o Samoa ua tatou mafuta i lenei taeao fou.
E talitonu ua maea ona paeulufanua ma paelago pa’ia o le asō e le fofoga o le aso. O pa’ia fa’alupea o le vala’aulia i le tafatolu fefa’atauagai o Samoa i pa’ia fa’aletalalelei, pa’ia fa’alemālō ma pa’ia fa’aleatunu’u. O le a le toe oo iai se faamatalaga, o paia mai le vavau e oo atu i le faavavau.
Ou te tula’i i le ava tele e fai ma sui o le Mālō e fa’alauiloa le ‘auga o lenei sauniga faapitoa, o le tatalaina aloaia o le Polokalame Faapitoa a le Matagaluega o Leoleo, Falepuipui ma le Toefuataiga – o le piriota o le tau’a’aoina mai o ‘ā’upega ma ututau lē fa’atulafonoina e amata atu i le Aso 1 o Aukuso seia pa’ia le Aso 30 o Setema 2024.
O lenei polokalame na amatalia i le 7 tausaga talu ai ma o loo fa’aauau pea ona faatinoina ina ia fō’ia soligatulafono e a’afia ai ‘au’upega malosi.
O le naunauta’iga ia tumau le saogalemu o Samoa aemaise o alo ma fanau o le lumana’i o si o tatou atunuu. O se fuafuaga tatau
fo’i auā le tapena atu mo le Fonotaga a Ta’ita’i o Mālō o Taupulega ia Oketopa i le tausaga nei.
I faamaumauga a le Matagaluega ua faamauina ai ‘ā’upega malosi ma ututau na tau’a’aoina mai e le mamalu o le atunuu:
Mai le tausaga 2015 agai le 2016, e 317 laau malosi ma le 231 ututau na mafai ona aoina mai le atunuu.
O le tausaga 2018 e 81 laau malosi na aoina mai.
Mai le tausaga 2020 agai le tausaga 2021, e 198 laau malosi ma le 494 ututau na aoina mai.
O lona aofa’iga e 596 laau malosi ae 725 ututau.
Ua faamauina foi i faamaumauga a le Matagaluega mai le Aso 1 o Ianuari 2023 aga’i le Aso 30 o Iuni 2024 e 16 ni mataupu na a’afia ai la’au malosi.
O lenei polokalame e faamoemoe lava i le lagolago a si o tatou atunuu atoa, i le Pulega Mamalu a Alii ma Faipule i nuu ma alalafaga taitasi ina ia mafai ona faataunuuina ma le manuia.
E momoli faapitoa le faafetai i le Mālō o Ausetalia e ala atu i le Poloketi o le faiga fa’apa’aga ma le Matagaluega o Leoleo i Ausetalia mo le lagolagoina o lenei polokalame tāua.
Ia faamanuia le Atua i le paia ma le mamalu ua sasao nei ma ua tatala aloaia ai nei lenei Polokalame.
Reverend Dr. Siaosi Salesulu
Dignitaries and Members of the Diplomatic Corp
Chief Executive Officers of Government Ministries and Authorities
Members of the Samoa Australia Police Partnership, New Zealand Police, Pacific Transnational Crimes Coordination Centre and Pacific Immigration Development Community.
Commissioner of Police, Executive and Senior Management.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.
I am honoured to officially launch this auspicious event as to mark the launching of the Samoa Police, Prisons & Corrections Services Gun Amnesty 2024.
This initiative follows previous successful Amnesties over the past 7 years. The 2024 Gun Amnesty will commence on the 1st of August until the 30th of September 2024.
The intention is for individuals in possession of unlawful firearms and ammunitions to surrender them without prosecution during the amnesty period.
The Gun Amnesties commenced and continues with the intention to ensure that Samoa remains a safe and secure country.
As Samoa sets to hold the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in October 2024, as the incoming Chair, the safety and security of all world leaders attending CHOGM is critical as such I am very proud of the Ministry of Police for taking this step and implementing the Amnesty as part of the overall security preparation.
The Samoa Police records from the previous Gun Amnesties indicate that:
From 2015 to 2016, 317 firearms and 231 ammunitions were received from the public.
In 2018, 81 firearms were received.
From 2020 to 2021, 198 firearms and 494 ammunitions were received.
A total of 596 firearms and 725 ammunitions.
Statistics also show that from the 1st of January 2023 to the 30th of June 2024, Police recorded 16 reported incidents involving firearms.
Recently, the Samoa Police has experienced the tragic loss of an officer as a result of a gunshot wound. This demonstrates the importance of ensuring that our community, our country and our people live in a safe and secure environment.
Therefore, I urge the public to support our Government through the Samoa Police by the Gun Amnesty 2024.
I extend my gratitude to the Government of Australia through the Samoa Australia Police Partnership for supporting this initiative.
I also thank all invited Dignitaries and Members of the Diplomatic Corps, CEOs, Local, Regional, International Partners and all distinguished guests present here today for availing your time to attend this significant event.
Let us all work together for a safer Samoa.
I now declare the Gun Amnesty 2024 officially launched.
Photo by Government of Samoa (Pule Puleina)