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Sheraton Hotel Apia, Samoa

Date – Thursday, 15 th August 2024

Madam Xiangjun Yao, Sub-Regional Coordinator, FAO Office in the Pacific,

Distinguished Colleagues of the Agriculture Sector,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Talofa lava and warm greetings to everyone,

It is my great honor and privilege to welcome you all to this inception meeting for Samoas Hand-in-Hand initiative in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Today marks a significant milestone in our journey towards sustainable agricultural development and economic prosperity for Samoa.

First and foremost, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the FAO for their unwavering support and partnership. Your commitment to assisting Samoa in the development of our investment plans for cocoa, taro, and coconut is truly commendable and greatly appreciated. This initiative aligns perfectly with our national goals and aspirations, aiming to enhance the livelihoods of our farmers, promote food security, and drive economic growth.

The Hand-in Hand Initiative will greatly assist Samoa in the implementation of transformative programs aimed at eradicating poverty (SDG 1), ending hunger and malnutrition (SDG 2), and reducing inequalities (SDG 10). We are confident that our investment plans will not only enhance the productivity and sustainability of our cocoa, taro, and coconut sectors but also uplift the livelihoods of our farmers and communities.

Cocoa, taro, and coconut are more than just crops to us. They are integral components of our cultural heritage, our daily sustenance, and our economic backbone. By focusing on these three key commodities, we are not only preserving our traditions but also unlocking the potential for increased productivity, value addition, and market access.

The Hand-in-Hand initiative embodies the spirit of collaboration and inclusivity. It brings together the government, development partners, private sector, and our farming communities to work hand in hand towards a common vision. This holistic approach ensures that the strategies and interventions we develop are grounded in the realities and needs of our people, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment.

Today’s meeting is just the beginning. It is an opportunity for us to share ideas, identify challenges, and co-create solutions that will drive the sustainable development of our agricultural sector. We must be innovative, resilient, and forward-thinking in our approach. Together, we can transform our agricultural landscape, improve the livelihoods of our farmers, and contribute to the overall well-being of our nation.

I encourage all of us to engage actively, share our expertise, and work collaboratively throughout this process. Let us embrace this initiative with enthusiasm and determination, knowing that our collective efforts will pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for Samoa.

In closing, I once again extend my heartfelt thanks to the FAO and all stakeholders present here today. Your dedication and support are invaluable. Let us continue to work in partnership, with hope and confidence, work hand-in-hand to transform our agri-food systems, uplift our communities, and build a better tomorrow for Samoa.

Faafetai tele lava, and may our discussions today be fruitful and inspiring.

Soifua ma ia manuia.

Talofa lava ma fa’afeiloa’i atu i le pa’ia ma le mamalu o le aofia I lenei taeao,

E ia te au le ava ma le fa’aaloalo e fa’afeiloa’i atu ai i lo outou paia ma mamalu i lenei fonotaga taua mo le fa’amoemoe a Samoa i le “Hand-in-Hand,” o lo’o galulue fa’atasi ai ma le Fa’alapotopotoga o Taumafa a le Lalolagi o Malo Aufaatasi. O se la’asaga taua lea i taumafaiga uma e aga’i i atina’e fa’aauau ma le tamaoaiga gafataulimaina mo Samoa.

Ou te fia fa’aali le agaga fa’afetai i le FAO mo lo latou lagolago ma le galulue so’oso’otaua ma le vaega maoti tau faatoaga ma faigafaiva. O lo outou tautinoga i le fesoasoani i Samoa i le atina’eina o tatou fuafuaga tau tupe mo le koko, talo, ma le popo e matua fa’ataua ma talisapaia lava. O lenei fa’amoemoe o lo’o o gatasi ma fuafuaga alualu mamao a lo tatou atunuu, mo le siitia o atina’e tau fa’atoaga, unaia le saogalemu o taumafa, ma fa’ateleina le tamaoaiga o si o tatou atunuu.

O le faamoemoe o lenei polokalame (HIHI), o le a fesoasoani tele ia Samoa i le fa’atinoina o nisi o ana fuafuaga fa’ata’atitia mo atina’e gafataulimaina (Sustainable Development Goals). E aofia ai le foia o le ola mativa (SDG 1), fa’amuta le oge ma le le lava o mea’ai (SDG 2), ma unaia avanoa tutusa (SDG

10). Ou te mautinoa, o a tatou fuafuaga tau tupe ua tapenaina nei, o le a le gatan ina fa’ateleina ai atina’e tau koko, talo, ma le niu, ae o le a si’itia atili ai fo’i le soifua manuia o tatou faifa’ato’aga ma nu’u.

O le koko, talo, ma le niu, e le na’o ni fa’ato’aga mo i tatou, e tele ma loloto lona so’otaga ma tatou. O vaega taua ia o lo tatou tu ma agaifanua, o lo tatou tausiga o aso uma, ma o lo tatou so’otaga tau tamaoaiga. O le fa’ataua i nei oloa taua e tolu, e le gata ina fa’asaoina ai nisi o tatou tu ma aga, ae o lo’o tatou tatalaina fo’i le avanoa mo le fa’ateleina o ia atina’e ma oloa gaosi, fa’apea avanoa i maketi. O le HIHI o lo’o fa’ataua ai le agaga o le galulue fa’atasi ma ia aofia tagata uma.

O lo’o galulue fa’atasi ai le malo, pa’aga tau atina’e, vaega tuma’oti, ma o tatou nu’u faifa’ato’aga e galulue fa’atasi mo se lumanai manuia. O le atoaga o lenei taumafaiga, o le a fa’amautinoa ai fuafuaga ma metotia mo atina’e e fetaui tonu ma mana’oga o tatou tagata, ina ia fa’atupuina ai pea le naunau e atina’e, ma ia i ai le fa’amalosi’au ma le galulue fa’atasi.

O le fono o le aso nei, o le amataga lea. O se avanoa mo i tatou e fa’asoa manatu, fa’ailoa fa’afitauli, ma fa’atupu fofo e una’ia ai le atina’e gafataulimaina o lo tatou vaega ma’oti tau fa’ato’aga. E tatau ona tatou fa’amasani i faiga ma manatu fou, galulue malosi, ma tepa taula’i mo se manuia i le lumana’i. E mafai ona tatou fa’aleleia o tatou laufanua tau fa’ato’aga, fa’aleleia le soifua manuia o tatou faifa’ato’aga, ma fesoasoani i le manuia lautele o lo tatou atunu’u.

Ou te fa’amalosi’au atu ia te outou uma, ina ia galulue punoua’i, fa’asoa o tatou tomai, ma galulue fa’atasi i lenei taumafaiga. Tatou talia ma le fiafia lenei fa’amoemoe, ma le mautinoa, o a tatou taumafaiga fa’atasi i le aso, o le a fa’ataatia ai le ala mo se lumana’i manuia ma le tamaoaiga mo Samoa.

Ou te toe fa’afetaia le FAO ma pa’aga uma o lo’o i ai i le aso. O la outou pitolaau ma le lagolago e taua tele. Sei o tatou galulue fa’atasi i le fa’amaoni ma le fa’atuatua, ina ia si’itia a tatou atina’e tau fa’ato’aga i nu’u ma alalafaga, ma fausia se taeao sili atu ona manuia mo Samoa.

Ia manuia tele le fonotaga.

Soifua ma ia manuia.

Ata Pueina – Malo o Samoa (Taunuuga Toatasi)

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