APIA, Samoa – representatives from the Samoa National Tripartite Forum (SNTF), Child Labour Taskforce and other stakeholders participated in a half day validation workshop of the Samoa Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2024-2028 at the Tanoa Hotel Conference Room.
The validation workshop was facilitated by Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour (MCIL), Mr Benjamin Harding of the Innovative Business Consultants (IBC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). The workshop aims at validating the DWCP priorities, outcomes, outputs, theory of change, implementation arrangements, monitoring and evaluation and to receive final feedback from the partners and the constituents.
The DWCP 2024-2028 is a time-bound cooperation framework to achieve Decent Work For All and can also be used to align and mobilize technical and financial resources to achieve decent work results. Supported by the ILO, Samoa’s DWCP 2024-2028 highlights the four Pillars of Decent Work,
(i) Promoting jobs and enterprise,
(ii) guaranteeing rights at work,
(iii) Promoting social dialogue,
(iv) Extending social protection with gender equality and leaving no one behind as cross cutting commitments.
The workshop provided the opportunity for the participants to provide comments and recommendations to improve the DWCP priorities, outcomes, outputs and indicators as part of the validation process.
The Honourable Leota Laki Lamositele Sio in his keynote address recognized the “tremendous contributions by stakeholders, implementing partners, Samoa National Tripartite Forum (SNTF) and importantly the ILO for their continued technical and financial support to deliver initiatives that are pertinent to the development of our labour systems and promoting decent work for all in law and practice.”
The implementation of the activities set out in the DWCP 2024-2028 when it is completed and launched will no doubt contribute to the achievement of key priorities Alleviating poverty and hardship (1), Empowering People (4) and Skilled Workforce )5) of the Pathway for the Development of Samoa as well as the ILO strategic Plan 2022-2025 and the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for the Pacific 2023-2027.
SOURCE – Ministry of Commerce Industry & Labour