(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT)- Sealed by Cabinet endorsement this afternoon, Ulugia Petelo Kavesi is the first Chief Executive Officer to take charge of the newly established Ministry of Lands and Survey.
Ulugia’s public service career includes 8 years as General Manager and CEO of the Samoa Lands Corporation.
Ulugia a holds two Masters Qualifications from the University of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus.
He graduated with a Masters of Business Administration, (MBA) in 2007 to complement his first Masters of Arts in Development Studies in 1997.
Ulugia started his public service career of 28 years as a Research Assistant with the USP Alafua Campus.
For the next 24 years, he served as Manager Research & Statistics with the Samoa Tourism Authority, Administration Manager with the Accident Compensation Board and SLC General Manager since 2016 .
[SO’O’UPU A LE MĀLŌ]: Ua tusi‘ā’ao le Kapeneta e ala i lana Fonotaga i lenei vaiaso, e tofia ai le afioga iā Ulugia Petelo Kavesi ma ulua’i Ofisa Sili o Pulega mo le Matāgaluega o ‘Ele’ele ma Fuagāfanua a Samoa.
O lenei Matāgaluega fou fa’atoā fa’avaeina, ma ua ‘ave ai le fa’atuatuaga o le Kapeneta i le afioga iā Ulugia na te ta’ita’ia lenei Ofisa mo le isi tolu tausaga.
O Ulugia ua silia ma le 28 tausaga o tautua ai i le Mālō e pei ona amata galue ai i le Iunivesite a le Pasefika i Saute i Alafua, soso’o ai ma Pulega o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa mai Fafo, o le ACC a’o le’i tofia ai e avea ma Fa’auluuluga mo le Fa’alapotopotoga o ‘Ele’ele Tumā’oti a le Mālō (S.L.C.) i le 2016 se’ia o’o mai le asō.
O lo’o ia umia nisi o Fa’ailoga Tauāloa e aofia ai le Masters of Arts in Development Studies i le tausaga e 1997 ma le Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A.) i le 2007 mai le Iunivesite a le Pasefika i Saute i Fiti.
O Ulugia o se tamāli’i ua loa lona silafia i tomai fa’apitoa tau pulega ma ta’ita’iga aemaise ai o lona silafia fa’apitoa i auaunaga tau ‘ele’ele ma fuagāfanua.
** MAE’A **
Ata Pueina – Malo o Samoa (Leaosa Faaifo Faaifo)