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Lau Afioga, Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II and Masiofo

Ministers of Cabinet

Leader of the Opposition

Hon Speaker and Members of Parliament

Chief Justice and Members of the Judiciary

Members of the Diplomatic Corps

Ladies and Gentlemen

I am pleased to join you at the reception this evening to welcome Mr Daniel J. Tarapacki, the new Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S Embassy. Welcome to Samoa, the place that you will call your home for the duration of your diplomatic assignment.

Mr Tarapacki, you have arrived at an opportune time to progress our close relations after your Government had announced its intention to expand its presence in the Pacific region with the establishment of a full-fledge Embassy in Samoa represented at Ambassadorial level – a development we hope to see materialize in the very near future. We had the pleasure of receiving Ambassador Udall, during his visits to Samoa and had very productive discussions on matters pertaining to Samoa’s development priorities as well as the United States’ renewed commitment to the Pacific region delivered through regional assistance and bilaterally.

The US-Samoa development cooperation have been mainly in the areas of health, education, environment, EEZ security and Fisheries, and importantly, the US Peace Corps flagship programme. Samoa is cognizant of the renewed efforts of the United States to consolidate its engagement in the region in terms of presence and security networks as well as targeted support to address the challenges of climate change, and ensuring a healthy ocean to support resilient livelihoods, and sustainable resource management.

Similarly, the increased assistance under the US Fisheries Treaty is welcomed by the Pacific countries whose livelihoods are derived from the bounty of our ocean. Similar collaboration with other partners ensure the safety and security of our maritime borders through combating illicit maritime activities, however our request is to maintain a light security footprint in Samoa.

Samoa has benefited from the Soifua Manuia Health program, exchange programs and Leadership programs to ensure capacity building for future generations.

I am confident that you will further enhance and progress the cooperation between our two countries in pursuit of a prosperous and harmonious relations. I hope you have an enjoyable and rewarding term in Samoa.

I would like to propose a toast “To the growing relations and cooperation between Samoa and the United States. Ia Manuia!”


Photo by Government of Samoa (Leota Marc Membrere)

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