Aso: Aso Faraile, 20 Setema 2024, 9am
Nofoaga: Don Bosco Hall, Sinamoga
Lau Afioga le Ti’akono, So’opele Siāmoā
Afifio a outou Afioga I Minisita o le Kapeneta
Afifio Sui mamalu o le Palemene
Fa’auluuluga ma Sui o Malo mai fafo
Fa’auluuluga o Matagaluega o le malo ma Fa’alapotopotoga Tuma’oti.
O mālō fa’aaloalogia
O tatou aiga fa’apea Ali’i ma Tama’ita’i
O lea ua māe’a ona moli mea i Faletui, auā lo tatou vā tapui ma le Atua, e pei ona malele iai le ta’ita’i o le sauniga. Ou te talitonu, ua mafa tōtōga lenei aofia i upu fa’alā’ei’au, ua tapulu ai ma fa’a’afu lenei potopotoga. Ia fa’atumu e le Atua lau utu taulafo, auā le feagai ai ma ou faiva fa’a-ositaulaga.
Ua tatou potopoto se’i molimauina se tasi o matati’a mo le Pulega o Tinei Mu ma Faalavelave Tutupu Fa’afuase’i. I le ava tele ma le migao e tatau ai, ou te faʻafeiloaʻi atu i le pa’ia maualuga ua sasao, ma ua malu tau e’e i lenei taeao matagofie, se’i o tatou patipatia le fa’ai’uina ma le manuia, o a’oa’oga mo le 10 vaiaso sa feagai ma le Vasega Fa’au’u, 2024.
E fai ai a’u ma sui o le Pulega e momoli atu ai le agaga fa’afetai tele, i a tatou pā’aga ma lo tatou Mālō, i lā outou lagolagosua lē fa’atuā’oia ma so’oso’o tau’au, ua fesoasoani tele i le unai’a o le vaai mamao a le Pulega, mo ana galuega lavea’i ma tali atu. O lā outou fa’ama’ite ma lalago fa’atasi ma se vaivai o le pulega, o le ‘ā fausia ai se fa’avae mautū, ina ia malutia ma saogalemū le soifua manuia o tatou tagata, i nu’u ma afioga mo ā taeao.
I le fa’avaeina mai o le pulega i le 2007, sa ‘uti’uti le fa’asoa, sā ave lava le fa’amuamua i galuega tali atu i afi ma le saogalemū o tagata lautele. I le mavae ai o nai tausaga, ua fa’atupula’ia itū’āiga fa’alavelave fa’afuase’i ‘ese’ese, ma ua tali atu ai le pulega. Ua aofia ai ma isi ‘au’aunaga faʻapitoa mo faʻalavelave faʻafuaseʻi, ‘au’aunaga o ta’avale ave ma’i fa’apea a’oa’oga e tapena ai nu’u ma afio’aga, ia nofo sauni mo faʻalavelave faʻafuaseʻi i so’o se taimi.
O lo’o fuafuaina le fa’atūina o nisi fale tinei mu se lua i Upolu ma Savaii, o le fa’amoemoe e fa’aleleia atili le auaunaga tali atu. E lē nā ma le lāina le manaʻoga mo nisi tagata faigaluega fa’aopopo, ina ia maualuga le fa,atinoina o galuega tali atu mo le atunu’u lautele.
O le va’ai mamao a le pulega, o lo fa’aagaga ai le fausiaina o nisi fale tinei mu i motu uma e lua e fa’aleleia atili ai le auaunaga. O le ‘ā fa’aopoopoina tagata faigaluega ina ia fa’atūmauina le maualuga o le fa’atinoga, ma lelei atoatoa le puipuiga mo le atunu’u ma o lo’o ō gatasi ma le Taiala mo Atina’e o Samoa.
E fai ai a’u ma sui o lo tatou Mālō, e fa’afetaia le fesoasoani tele mai a tatou pa’aga fa’aitulagi ma fa’ava-o-mālō, ua fa’alauteleina ai tomai ma agava’a fa’apitoa. E lē gata i lea, o le faʻaleleia o meafaigaluega fa’apitoa, si’itia agava’a mo polokalame faʻaauau, fa’apea tomai ma agava’a faa-tekonolosi. O le mea moni ua tula’i mai la tatou Pulega ma ua atagia ai le alualu i luma, i le lelei fa’atino o ana ‘au’aunaga tali atu, aemaise ua mafa tōtōga le tapenaina o le ‘aufaigaluega i agava’a mo’omia.
Ua fa’atupula’ia a’afiaga o suiga o le tau i tulaga lamatia e pei o afi mata’utia ma lologa tetele’ ma ua lē masino le a’afia ai o lo tatou si’osi’omaga.
A’o tapena atu le tatou Vasega Fa’au’u, o se luitau mo outou, ia manatua lelei le fuaitau nei: O le galuega faa-tineimu “O le ola ua ofoina atu e tautua ai le atunuu, ia lototele, aua le manatu fa’apito, o le tautinoga lē fa’alogologotĭgā”. Ia lelei tāpena lou malosi i le tino, o le mafaufau ae aua foi ne’i galo le tapenaga fa’a-le-Agaga. O ala o manū o le a ‘ē uia, e tumu i fa’amanuiaga mai le loto ua fa’amaliena, o le taui lea o lou tautiga i lau tautua sa fa’atino ma le fa’amaoni.
Ia tatou manatua, o le galuega fa’a-tineimu. e lē na’o le tapēina o afi, ae o se fa’ailoilo mo se fa’amoemoe ola, ma mautinoa po’o se lavea’i ao feagai ai ma faigata. E ofo le ola e savalia ma la’asia le mata’utia o le fa’alavelave ma isi suiga tetele o le tau, ina ia fa’asaoina mai se soifua ma puipui meatotino a le atunu’u.
Ia fa’amuamua lou saogalemu i taimi uma, ia fai ma oso lelei o lau savaliga agatausili nei, “Ia faamaoni, alofa, ia atagia i lou soifua auauna le galuega fa’a-faaola na taepena e Keriso mo le lalolagi”.
Fa’afetaia le tapua’iga a ‘āiga ma uō o le vasega fa’au’u, sa outou pō le fala o le tapuaiga, ma ula le i’u lā ina ia fisaga le sa’iliga a fanau. Ua tepa ula i ula a’e tagai i malo le asō, ua tau le ‘ai o lāpega, ma ua pati ta’oto le Fe’epō, mālō fai tatalo, fa’afetai i lō outou titi fai-tama.
E fa’afetaia lau afioga le Komesina ma le Pulega ona o tapenaga uma, e lē gata mo le Vasega Fa’au’u, ae o tapenaga mo le Taligāmālō o alo atu i ai si o tatou atunu’u mo le Fonotaga a Mālō ‘Aufa’atasi.
A ta’ape lenei aofia, ia folau i lagi e mamā lau Susuga i le ta’ita’i o le Sauniga, Pa’ia o le Kapeneta, o a tatou mālō fa’aaloalogia, le paia i le vala’aulia, aemaise uō ma ‘āiga ma lenei aofia.
Soifua ma ia manuia.
DATE: Friday, 20 September 2024, 9am
Venue: Don Bosco Hall, Sinamoga
Deacon So’opele Siāmoā
Honorable Members of Cabinet
Members of Parliament
CEOs of Government Ministries & Corporations
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
We are gathered here to witness another milestone for the Samoa Fire and Emergency Services Authority (SFESA). It is therefore my pleasure to welcome you all here today on this beautiful morning to celebrate the remarkable achievement of our New Recruit class 2024.
We acknowledge and extend our deepest gratitude to our government partners, whose unwavering support and commitment have been instrumental in advancing the mission of SFESA. Your dedication to enhancing the safety and well-being of our communities has provided the foundation upon which we build our future.
Since SFESA establishment in 2007, the Authority with limited resources, primarily focused on basic fire response and community safety. Over the years, SFESA have evolved into a comprehensive emergency management agency, expanding the scope of response to include emergency medical response or pre-hospital care, disaster preparedness and community awareness.
FESA have invested in establishing fire stations across the two islands, aiming to improve the response capabilities. And assuredly warrants the demand for manpower to ensure we continue delivering top-notch protection to our community.
We have also invested in building fire stations across both islands to enhance our response capabilities. This strategic objective evidently highlights the need for additional manpower to maintain the high level of protection for the community and this also align with the Pathway for Development of Samoa.
We also acknowledged the great assistance from our regional and international donor partners which has significantly expanded our operations. We have improved our equipment, upgraded our training programs, and embraced advanced technology. Today, SFESA stands as a symbol of progress and resilience, equipped with state-of-the-art resources and a highly trained team.
As climate change intensifies risks such as catastrophic wildfires and severe flooding, our operational environment grows increasingly into hazardous and complex.
New Recruit Class 2024, as you wear your uniforms and step into the role you’ve prepared so diligently for, remember this: You are entering a profession defined by courage, selflessness, and unwavering commitment. The path you have chosen is not an easy one. It demands the very best of you—physically, mentally, and emotionally. And yet, it is a path filled with profound rewards and the deep satisfaction that comes from serving your community in its most critical moments.
Remember, firefighting is not just about fighting fires; it’s about being a beacon of hope and strength in the face of adversity. It’s about stepping into danger so that others may be safe, about being the calm in the storm, and about offering comfort in the midst of chaos. You are the unsung heroes who will stand ready to face whatever comes, with courage and resolve that few can truly understand.
As you move forward from this moment, carry with you the values that have been instilled in you during your training: integrity, professionalism, compassion, health & safety, innovation and teamwork. Your actions, both on and off the field, will reflect the honor of the badge you wear and the trust that your community places in you.
To the families and friends of our New Recruit 2024, your support has been invaluable. You’ve stood by, often in the background, as your loved ones embarked on this challenging journey. Today, you share in their pride and accomplishment. Your sacrifices and encouragement have been a crucial part of their success.
In closing, let me leave you with this scripture: Isaiah 60: 1 “Arise and Shine, for your Light has come, and the Glory of the Lord rises upon you.” In every act of bravery, every moment of crisis, and every challenge you face, know that you have the strength and the support of your training, your team, and your community. You are ready, you are capable, and you are prepared to make a difference.
Congratulations, we are immensely proud of you, and we thank you for your commitment to serve and protect. Go forth with pride, knowing that the future holds endless opportunities for you to shine and to make a lasting impact.
Soifua ma ia manuia.
God Bless
Photo by Government of Samoa (Leota Marc Membrere)