ONE UN House, Tuanaimato, October 03, 2024
• Lau Susuga le Ta’ita’i o le sauniga – Susuga Eteuati Epa Tuioti
• Lau Afioga i le Sui Palemia, Honourable Tuala Tevaga Ponifasio
• Afioga i Minista o le Kapeneta ma Minisita Lagolago
• Afioga – Senta Keisuke – Amepasa o le Malo Iapani
• Afioga – Aliona Niculita – Resident Representative in Samoa
• Afioga – Themba Kalua – Resident Coordinator – UNDP
• Afioga i Sui o Malo mai Fafo
• Faauluuluga o Ofisa o le Malo
• Faauluuluga o Pisinisi Tumaoti
• Le Paia ma le Mamalu ua Aofia
Manatu o lea ua paepaeloa Samoa ina ua poto moli i futiafu, auā olea ua tatou feiloai manuia i Fuluasou nei, o tua o Lepea ma Vaitagutu. Ua afifio mai Samoa i ona Pa’ia Faalemālō, Pa’ia Faale-Ekalesia faapea ou Pa’ia Faa-le-aganu’u
O Pa’ia lava ia auā Tama ma Aiga, Aiga ma Tama, Tumua ma Pule, Itu’au ma Alataua, Aiga i le Tai ma le Vaa o Fonoti
Ae a le Afifio mai o Sui o Atunuu mai Fafo, le Mālō o Iapani, faapea le Ofisa o Mālō Aufaatasi… Tulou, Tulou, Tulouna lava.
O le asō, ua tatou potopoto ona o le faapa’iaina ma le tatalaina aloa’ia o Taavale Eletise e 76, e faapea fo’i ma masini fafaga ma’a o Taavale Eletise, Ae lē gata i lea, o nisi o ripoti ua tapenaina i lalo o le Poloketi ua faaigoaina o le Climate Action Pathways for Island Transport (CAP IT) po o le Galueaina o alāfua mo le Faaitiitia o Aafiaga o Felaua’iga i Atumotu Laiti e mafua mai i Suiga o le Tau.
O lenei Poloketi o loo ua faatupeina e le Malo Iapani – ae o loo faa auala mai lenei fesoasoani i le Ofisa o le Atina’e o Mālō Aufaatasi poo le UNDP ua lau silafia ai.
O lona faatinoina, o loo taulāmua ai le UNDP ma le Matagluega o Galuega, Fela’ua’iga ma Atina’e Tetele, faapea ai fo’i ma le fesoasoani mai a nisi o Ofisa o le Mālō e pei o le Matagaluega o Tupe, Faalapotopotoga o le Malosi Faaeletise, Pulega o Fela’ua’iga i le Laueleele ma le Ofisa ole Pule Faatonu.
E US$37.5 miliona na faa meaalofa e le Malo o Iapani mo lenei Poloketi i ni atumotu se 4 e aofia ai ma Samoa.
Mai lea seleni, e US$15 miliona ua faamatu’u mai mo le faatupeina o le Poloketi i Samoa nei, ma na amata aloa’ia ia Iuni i le 2023 ma le faamoemoe e faama’ea ia Fepuari 2025.
O le sini autū; ina ia faanatinati le faaitiitia o le pua’ina o Kasa Kaponi mai fela’uaiga i le Lauele’ele ma le Sami (Accelerating the Decarbonisation of Samoa’s Land and Maritime Transport Sector). O nisi la nei o atina’e o lo o faatinoina i lalo o lenei Poloketi:
1. Tapenaina o se si’osi’omaga e lagolago ai le faaitiitia o le pua’ina o kasa kaponi i fela’uaiga i le eleele ma le sami. O auala e faaleleia ai pulega, punaoa tau tupe, tulafono, faiga faavae ma le atina’eina o agavaa o tagata ma mea faigaluega.
2. Ole faaogaina lea o taavale eletise(76) atoa ai male fausiaina o nofoaga mo masini fafaga ma’a o nei taavale.
3. Faaofiina mai totonu o va’a eletise(10) ma le fausiaina o nofoaga mo le fafagaina o ma’a o va’a.
4. Tapena ni a’oa’oga mo le faaleleiina o le tomai o tama fanau a le atunuu e faatinoina galuega faalelei mo nei atina’e ile taimi e manaomia ai.
O nei atina’e uma, o le a fesoasoani i nisi o Maliliega faa Va i Fafo o loo aafia ai Samoa e tulituliloaina ai sini mo Atina’e Gafataulimaina (Sustainable Development Goals). O le a faapea fo’i ona avea ma se tasi o sao tāūa o lenei Vaega Ma’oti, e lagolagoina ai nisi o manulauti o loo faataatitia mai i le “Ta’iala mo le Lumana’i Manuia o Samoa 2021 – 2026”, ae lē gata i lea o le “Ta’iala mo Fela’uaiga ma Atina’e Tetele 2023 – 2028”.
E momoli atu ai le faafetai i le Mālō o Iapani mo le faatupeina o lenei galuega tele. O nei atina’e ua saga faamautūina ai pea le faiga pa’aga a Samoa ma se tasi o ana uo mamae, o le Mālō lea o Iapani. E fia faafetai atu fo’i ile Faalapotopotoga o le Atina’e o Mālō Aufaatasi ma lana paaga o le Kolone Vaai and Associates mo la outou pito la’au tāūa ile faatinoina o lenei galuega.
Ae lē gata foi i lea o le Kamupani a le Ford Hyundai Samoa, sa manumalo ile tauofoga e latou te tapenaina ma aumaia nei taavale faapitoa, faapea foi le Kamupanī a le Vagana Electrical mo le faapipiiina o Masini fafaga-Maa ma isi galuega tau Eletise.
O loo iai le faamoemoe o le Mālō e faaogaina nei taavale i le fono a Ta’ita’i o Mālō ole Taupulega ia Oketopa.
Ma i le mae’a ai ole Fono, o le a faapena loa ona faasafua i Matagaluega ma Faalopotopotoga Tu Ma’oti a le Mālō mo le fa’aogaina i galuega masani.
Reverend Eteuati Epa Tuioti , Secretary General of the Methodist Church of Samoa
Hon. Deputy Prime Minister of Samoa
Hon. Members of the Cabinet and Associate Ministers
Your Excellency, Senta Keisuke – Ambassador of Japan
Your Excellency, Aliona Niculita – Resident Representative in Samoa
Your Excellency, Themba Kalua – Resident Coordinator – UNDP
Your Excellencies – Members of the Diplomatic Corp
Heads of Government Agencies
Heads of Private Sector Agencies
Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen,
Talofa lava, Kon-ban-wa and Good evening,
It is my pleasure to warmly welcome you to this significant launch, which is an important moment for the Government of Samoa, the Government of Japan and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). I would also like to extend greetings to our global audience, especially our Blue Pacific neighbours, as we unite in our commitment to strengthen climate adaptation and resilience.
Today marks a historic occasion as we come together, to celebrate this milestone for the Climate Action Pathways for Island Transport (CAP IT) project. In addition to launching the Electric Vehicles (EVs), Charging Stations and 2 project documents, we are also unveiling the fact that some of these EV models have been manufactured and configured to suit our purposes.
The provision of 76 EVs to Samoa represents a monumental achievement in driving our response to the Expected Outcomes of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the Pathway to the Development of Samoa (PDS) 2021 to 2026 and the Transport and Infrastructure Sector Plan 2023 – 2028, therefore further emphasising our dedication to Green Developments.
On behalf of the Government of Samoa, I express profound gratitude to the Government of Japan for their generous contribution to the “Promoting Green Transformation in the Pacific Region” project which spans across four island countries with a total funding of US$37.5 million. Of this, an amount of US$15.5 million has been allocated to Samoa’s CAP IT project alone, enabling the initiative that we celebrate today.
This vital support not only reflects our shared commitment to a sustainable future, BUT also a powerful symbol of the collaborative spirit that bind us all.
Our commitment to minimise pollution, reduce waste and lower emissions in the transport sector sustains our responsibility to safeguard our land, water, and air for the future generations.
As we confront the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, the holistic approach of the CAP IT project, ensures that EVs and other resources procured, are well supported by robust institutional governance, legislative review as well as financial and technical capacities across both land and maritime transport systems.
Beyond the acqui-sition of EVs, the project includes the establishment of charging stations, capacity building, public awareness campaigns, as well as equipped selected automotive workshops,for maintenance. This comprehension effort fosters collaboration between the Governments of Samoa, Government of Japan, the United Nations Development Program,the local Automotive Sector, and the community at large.
As Samoa prepares to host the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) later this month, the CAP-IT project remains central to our shared objectives of resilience, sustainable development and exploration of new opportunities.
In fact, the interlinked ties of the Sustainable Development Goals sought through CAP-IT; will go a long way into contributing to livelihoods by addressing critical issues, such as climate change, health, transport, education, advanced technology and gender equality.
The benefits for island countries with smaller populations like Samoa and our united efforts in the Pacific, to strengthen climate resilience through transport, are far reaching.
It is important to note that the task of grounding these developments within our local context, making them visible and solidifying our commitment has been no small feat.
We are deeply grateful to the UNDP Multi Country Office for their leadership, and for recognizing the importance of country-led initiatives, as well as local ownership in this journey. We also acknowledge local consultant Kolone Vaai and Associates (KVA Consultants) for supporting UNDP in the studies and reports.
Lastly but not least, we thank the Ford Hyundai Company, who were the successful contractor in the procurement of EVs.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen this launching serves as an important platform to inspire concerted efforts towards a greener transformational shift to securing a resilient environment. It also provides the much-needed visibility for Samoa’s drive to a low-carbon transport sector. Such transitions nece-ssitate investments, incentives, and most importantly developed human capacities.
Additionally, I am happy to announce that the Government has decided to use the EVs to support transportation during CHOGM.
With that said, I am confident that the partnerships forged through CAP-IT, will empower us to achieve our collective aspirations and much more.
Ari-gato, Fa’afetai,
Soifua ma ia manuia.
Photo by the Government of Samoa (Pule Puleina)