(9th December 2024)
E manatu o lea ua ma’ea ona paelago Paia, Sa ma Faiga o lenei taeao e le fofoga o le Aso. O lea foi ua ma’ea ona fusifusi laau ma momoli i Foga’a e ala i le taulaga pai ana saunia e le Susuga i le fa’afeagaiga taulagi, le susuga ia Seilala Luamanuvae. Malo mo upui fa’alaeiau ma le galuega folafola, aua se manuia o Samoa ma ana atina’e.
Ae tau ia ina ou faatalofa atu i le Paia ma le Mamalu ua potopoto mai lenei taeao. O se taeao ese foi lenei i tala faasolopito o Samoa, ina ua mafai ona tatou faatasi e patipatia ma molimauina se tasi nei o atina’e taua, aua le atinaeina o taaloga i totonu o le atunu’u.
Talu ai ona o lo’o filogia le tatou mafutaga i lenei taeao, aemaise le faafofoga mai a le Asosi Soka i le Lalolagi po’o le FIFA, ma isi a tatou Paaga, lea na faatupeina lenei atina’e, o le mea lea o le a momoli atu ai le tatou lauga , ma le tatou faafetai i le Gagana faaperetania, e tuuina atu ai se upu a le Malo e fa’atatau i lenei atina’e.
Reverend Seilala Luamanuvae
Mr. Lambert Maltock – FIFA Vice President / Oceania Football President
Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers of Cabinet
Members of the Judiciary
Members of Parliament
SASNOC President and CEO
Heads of Government Ministries
Football Samoa Patrons
Football Federation Samoa President and Executive Committee
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
Today’s opening ceremony, marks 3 years and 9 months since the ground-breaking ceremony for this project, which took place in March 2021, by the Football Federation Samoa and I, on behalf of the Government of Samoa, am very proud to witness the successful completion of this enormous undertaking by FIFA, in addition to the Tuanaimato Football Complex which consist of 20 Acres of Football facilities, another impressive development at the time.
This project, at a total cost of more than $10 MILLION TALA not including the Samoa Government Contribution in Duty Free assistance brings the total cost to around more than 12 million is the biggest sporting project undertaken by any sports body in our country and was fully funded by FIFA with support from the OFC, which is the Regional Body of FIFA in the Region, for the development of Football Fields and Facilities within the Apia Park Sports complex vicinity.
Today, I am proud to announce that Samoa has the following which I believe is the biggest infrastructure project ever undertaken by a member association in Oceania let alone which consist of:
• A full Indoor Football Court within a secure Arena or Gymnasium
• Fully convertible Arena to host functions/meetings and a capacity of more than 2000 people
• Office block which will be the main corporate Head Quarters for Football
• A conference room
• 2 shops and 4 commercial spaces on the opposite side of the compound
• Meetings spaces
• Outdoor Toilet facilities
Further, two (2) full size football fields with capability to add a third field, with an additional three (3) mini football pitches, solely for the use by youths, but it can also be used for small game training. The main field is for international standards and can be used as a second venue, for international football games. The soccer fields will be used as a multiparty facility that can accommodate all other types of sports, with football primarily using these facilities. This development will enable Samoa to continue to host all Football Events in the Region. FIFA’s support clearly demonstrates their confidence in Samoa’s potential to nurture and grow its youth and future generations, with the opportunity to sharpen their skills, with the availability of international standard sports facilities.
This Development Project, not only reflects the Government’s commitment to ensuring that all Samoan’s have a good quality of life, through the work of the various sectors of Government ad sporting bodied but it is also in line with the Government strategic direction for Sports to continuously add to and improve sports infrastructure, facilities and equipment in the country, as we have seen with the Tuana’imato Sports Complex. The Government was approached by the Football federation Samoa for this land and part of the Apia Park Sports Complex, for this development projects, and we are happy and proud to be here to officially open this beautiful complex.
The Samoa Government acknowledge with appreciation, the continuing support and commitment from the FIFA towards the development of football in Samoa, who over the years have continue to provide the necessary financial and technical support to enable the federation to develop the sport in the country and it is the Government hope that this support will continue into the future. I wish the President the Bard and Staff of Football Federation Samoa all the best in your efforts to maintain the support rendered by FIFA, so as to ensure the continued growth of football in Samoa.
Ia manuia lenei atina’e ma lona faamoemoe mo se manuia alu i luma o alo ma fanau a Samoa I lenei taaloga o le soka. O upu e masani ai le Atunuu, e le o lumafale, a’o le anofale.
O lea ua faatino ma faalelei e le Malo lumafale, tuafale ma tafafale ae toe o ni tama fanau a Samoa e faaaogaina tatau ma lona faamoemoe, ia maua ni lumanai manuia aemaise ni pine aulo se tele i tausaga o lumanai.
Faamanuia le Atua i faiva ma galuega o le a feagai ma le Pulega ma le Komiti faafoe i le faatinoina ma le faafoeina o lenei atina’e
Soifua ma ia Manuia