Susuga i le Fa’afeagaiga, Rev. Mariota Siaea
Susuga i Fa’auluuluga o Pa’aga Fa’ava-o-Malo
Susuga i Fa’auluuluga o Matagaluega ma Fa’alapotopotoga a le Malo Le Mamalu o Ta’ita’i o le Vaega Lautele o le Soifua Maloloina
E’eta’i a tatou malo fa’aaloalogia ma vala’aulia Le loaloa ua aofaga potopoto mai i lenei taeao
Talofa, Talofa Lava!
O lenei fa’amoemoe ua tatou potopoto ai i lenei taeao, o se tasi lenei o fa’amoemoe tāua e taualuga iai le fa’amanatuina o le Vaiaso o le Soifua Maloloina i tausaga ta’itasi. Peita’i ane, sa le mafai ona fa’ataunu’uina ile vaiaso o le soifua Maloloina ile tausaga ua mavae, ona o nisi o fuafuaga le ma’alofia ma lē avanoa ai le to’atele o a tatou pa’aga.
O lea la ua fa’ataunu’uina i lenei taeao, ua talafeauga ma le fa’amoemoe, e fa’atino se lotu amata e talosia ai le amatalia o galuega fa’atino o lenei tausaga, auā e talitonu le manatu, e le ‘asa lava se tausaga ma lu’itau ma fa’afitauli, e lu’itauina ai lo outou soifua ma lo tatou ola galulue, ma e mo’omia ai le ta’ita’iga a le Agaga o le Atua i mea uma; e pei o upu a le Afioga a le Atua, a ‘au le Atua ma i tatou, o ai sē e fa’asagatau mai?
O le mafua’aga lea ua amataina ai le Fonotaga Faale-Tausaga lona 16 a le Soifua Maloloina i lenei tausaga, ile tatou faigalotu amata, ma e fa’afetaia ai le Susuga ile Fa’afeagaiga, o le sui va’aia o le Atua i lenei taeao, mo le feau fa’amalosi ua tomatauina ai le Folauga a le Soifua Maloloina mo lenei tausaga. Ia alofagia e le Atua, ia fa’atumuina pea lau utu fa’ale-Agaga auā le fafagaina o le soifua fa’ale-agaga o le atunu’u.
O le sini ma le fa’amoemoe o lenei fonotaga e pei ona fa’atinoina i tausaga ta’itasi, ina ia tatou omai fa’ale-aiga o le soifua Maloloina, tatou te nuti mea fa’atasi, ma o tatou aoao manogi, e fa’atalanoa ma fetufaa’i i manatu ma fuafuaga e atili fa’aleleia ai tiute ma faiva o lo o ō tatou galulue ai, auā le tautuaina o le soifua Maloloina o o tatou tagata.
O le autū filifilia o le fonotaga fa’ale-tausaga mo lenei tausaga, ua fa’aautūina e fa’apea: ‘O le Lalagaina o le Soifua Maloloina mo Aiga ma Nu’u (Weaving Health for Our Aiga ma Nu’u)”. O lo o fa’amamafa ile autū o lenei fonotaga, le toe fa’aolaolaina ma le fa’aauauina o le fa’atinoga o auaunaga, auā le soifua Maloloina o aiga ma nu’u.
E afua mai lenei autū, ile va’aiga taula’i ua fa’avaeina ai le fa’agasologa o auaunaga ma polokalame o le soifua Maloloina, o le itulagi o le Pasefika i Sisifo (Western Pacific Region), ina ia galulue fa’atasi atunu’u o lo o i lenei itulagi, e fa’aolaola ma fa’aauauina auaunaga e siitia ai le soifua manuia ma le Maloloina o tagata.
O le mafua’aga foi lea ua fa’ata’oto ai le polokalame o lenei fonotaga, ile tulaga e mafai ona saofagā ai a tatou pa’aga mai vaega tuma’oti, matagaluega ma fa’alapotopotoga a le malo o lo o galulue va’ava’alua ma le Soifua Maloloina, fa’apea i latou e fiafia e fa’atautaia su’esu’ega tau le soifua Maloloina (health researchers), e fa’asoa mai so latou sao ile atina’ega o le soifua Maloloina o le atunu’u.
E talitonu le manatu, e le mafai ona tā aofa’i pa’aga uma ile fonotaga lenei, ae mo le fa’agasologa o a tatou fonotaga nei, o le a taumafai lava e fa’asopolia a tatou pa’aga, ina ia maua avanoa e fa’asoa mai ai sa’o o vaega ta’itasi. Ma afai e le o maua se avanoa e fa’asoa mai ai i lenei saofa’iga, o lo o iai le avanoa i fa’atalanoaga o loma ma fuafuaina ile amataga o lenei tausaga, mo le iloiloga o le Fuafuaga Alualu Mamao o le Soifua Maloloina (Health Sector Plan Mid-term Review), mo lo outou mamalu.
I lenei foi taeao, e fiafia e fa’ailoa atu, ua tatou fa’atasi ai ma le Sui Komesina o le Malo o Niu Sila, le Susuga ia Lavea’i Ioane, le Ta’ita’ifono o le Le Afio’aga o Aotearoa (NZ Consortium), Afioga Hon. Aupito William Sio ma le aumalaga, mo le tatalaina aloa’ia o se tasi o polokalame, o le a fesoasoani mai ai le malo o Niu Sila, mo le atina’ega o tomai ma agava’a o le aufaigaluega o lo o galulue i falema’i fa’aitumalo, auā lava le taula’iga, ia fa’aleleia atili auaunaga mo le soifua Maloloina o o tatou tagata.
E avea ai lo’u fa’atauva’a, e fai ma sui o le Malo o Samoa ma ona tagata nu’u, e fa’aleo ai le agaga fa’afetai ile Malo o Niu Sila, fa’apea le Le Afio’aga o Aotearoa (NZ Consortium), e tusa ai ma lenei sao tāua mo le tapu’eina o tomai o le aufaigaluega. O la’u tatalo ile mamalu o le aufaigaluega o le amata mea i lenei polokalame, ia fa’aaoga lelei avanoa ua tatou maua.
E fa’ai’u se fa’amatalaga i lenei taeao, ile tatalaina o lomiga a le soifua Maloloina ua mae’a tapenaina, ma fa’amaoniaina e le Kapeneta e ta’ialaina ai le fa’atinoga o auaunaga mo le soifua Maloloina o le atunu’u. Ua lolomiina ile gagana fa’aperetania, ma ua mae’a foi ona tapena pepa fa’alauiloa o nei lomiga ile Gagana Samoa, mo le mamalu o lo tatou atunu’u, ina ia faafaigofie ona malamalama ile tāua o nei lomiga.
E fa’aleoina ai le agaga fa’afetai tele ia tatou pa’aga fesoasoani (development partners) sa tu’u mai o latou tau’au ile fa’atupeina o nei lomiga, fa’atasi ai ma Konesale, sa fesoasoani ile Matagaluega o le Soifua Maloloina ma le Vaega Lautele o le Soifua Maloloina ile tu’ufa’atasiga. O lenā ua outou taulimaina le pepa o fa’amatalaga o lo o fa’amatala auiliili ai lomiga nei, ma lo latou fa’aaogaina mo lo outou silafia.
E talitonu le manatu, o mataupu o le a fa’atalanoaina ile asō ma le aso a taeao, o le a telē sona aogā ile faufauina o a tatou galuega ma polokalame fa’atino, aemaise o auaunaga mo le Soifua Maloloina o o tatou tagata.
Ia alofagia e le Atua la tatou Folauga i lenei tausaga e pei ona saunoa iai le ta’ita’i sauniga. E tatalo foi mo taualumaga o lenei fonotaga, ina ia fa’atamaoaigaina lo outou mamalu i manatu ma mafaufauga lelei, e poupoua’i a tatou galuega mo le aga’i i luma; ma ua tatalaina aloa’ia nei le fonotaga lona 16 a le Soifua Maloloina, fa’apea ai ma lomiga ua fa’alauiloaina ile asō.
Soifua ma ia manuia.
Susuga i le Fa’afeagaiga, Elder Rev. Mariota Siaea
Leaders of the Health Sector
Heads of the Diplomatic Corps and Health Development Partners
Government Ministries & Statutory Bodies
Distinguished guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
Greetings and Welcome to the 2025 Health Sector Initial Service, 16th National Annual Health Forum and Health Research Symposium 2025.
The Annual Health Forum is the main event that culminates in celebration of Samoa National Health Week every year. However, we could not hold it during the National Health Week last year, due to some unavoidable commitments of Ministry of Health and some our partners.
Now, it has been carried out this morning, and I think this is an appropriate time, with the intention to begin this event with the health sector initial service to seek God’s guidance and blessings upon our works and programs that will be implemented throughout this year.
We are all aware, we can never escape from problems and challenges we have faced in our working life, thus we depend on the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God in everything, like the saying from the bible says: “If God is with us, who will oppose us?
This is the reason why we begin our Annual Health Forum with our initial service; and I heartily thank Elder Rev. Amuia Seuala for the encouraging message this morning to encourage us to be committed to our call to provide safe and quality health services for our people.
May God’s anointing and abundant blessings be upon you.
Annual Health Sector Forum is an annual event whereby we come together as health family to review our performances, learn from each other, and to share and discuss experiences and ideas to further improve enhance the delivery of health services in all areas of health to promote the health and wellbeing of our people.
The chosen theme for this year’s Annual Health Forum is ‘Weaving Health for Aiga ma Nu’u”. The theme emphasizes the importance of us, health sector to work collaboratively to revive and continue the implementation of health services for the health of our families and communities.
This theme is derived from the vision of WHO Western Pacific Region whereby Samoa is one of member states with the intention for all member states to work together in enhancing health service and programs that promote health and wellbeing of people.
This is why this forum’s program has been drawn up, to reflect the multi-sectoral approach that needs to be strengthened, so we can all have the same understanding of each partner’s contribution and commitment to improve health in Samoa. The opportunity is given to our NGO partners, government ministries and corporations that work closely with health, as well as researchers who conduct in-depth health researches that provide evidences to formulate evidence-based health advices and documents.
We all understand that it is not possible for all of us to present in this forum, but there will be an opportunity in the upcoming mid-term review of our Health Sector Plan, which is planned to be held in the beginning of this year, for you to provide your update.
This morning, I am pleased to announced that we are joined by the Acting Commissioner of New Zealand High Commission Office here in Samoa, Her Excellency Lavea’i Ioane; the Chairman of Le Afio’aa of Aotearoa (New Zealand Consortium), Hon. Aupito William Sio and his delegation, for the official soft launching of one of the vital program, which New Zealand government offered and funded, that would help to further develop the skills and abilities of rural health facilities staff.
On behalf of Samoa government and its people, I would like to express our gratitude to New Zealand government for their never-ending support to Samoa especially in health.
I encourage the health staff that will be blessed with this program, make sure you make good use of the opportunity given wisely.
It is my great pleasure to also announce the release of health publications that had been prepared and already approved by the Cabinet to guide the implementation of health services. They have been published in English and brief summaries in Samoa for our community to make them easier to understand of the importance of these publications.
I would like to express our sincere gratitude to our development partners who had provided both technical and financial supports to support the development of these important health documents.
We will be engaging in fruitful discussions through the different sessions of the Annual Health Forum Program today and tomorrow. The sessions will be touching on a range of topics that would help us weaving health for our aiga ma nu’u.
In closing, I would like to thank each and every one for making this occasion a priority. We look forward to the sharing of knowledge and at the same time offer support to each other as we strive to overcome the many health challenges we continue to face.
I wish you all the best with your deliberation today.
Soifua ma ia manuia.