Apia, Samoa – Samoa Airways wishes to address recent concerns regarding our drug testing program and reiterate our unwavering commitment to safety and the well-being of our passengers and employees. Safety is our top priority, and we will not compromise on this core value.
Safety First
At Samoa Airways, we prioritize safety above all else. Recent flight cancellations, while inconvenient, are a testament to our commitment to maintaining the highest safety standards. We understand the disruption this may have caused to our passengers, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. However, these measures were necessary to ensure the safety and security of our operations.
Drug Testing Program
In October 2024, Samoa Airways implemented a comprehensive drug and alcohol testing policy for all staff members. This policy is a crucial step towards enhancing the safety and well-being of our passengers and employees. Our recent drug testing, conducted by the Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa (SROS), revealed that 10 percent of the tested staff returned positive results for illegal and prescriptive substances and alcohol. This is a reflection of a broader societal issue that affects not just Samoa, but communities worldwide.
Immediate Actions
Upon receiving the results, we took immediate action. Three staff members who tested positive for illicit drugs have been stood down pending a final decision from our board. Six employees who tested positive for alcohol have been issued warning letters and have been retested and we are awaiting results. The pilot who was tested positive for a prescriptive drug (sleeping pill) was also stood down, has been retested and returned with a negative result and will be allowed to fly. We are committed to supporting our employees through this process and will provide the necessary Resources to address these issues.
Commitment to Partner Airlines
As the ground handler for major international carriers like Air New Zealand, Qantas, and Fiji Airways, Samoa Airways is acutely aware of the necessity to uphold a safe, drug-free environment. Our commitment to safety extends to our partner airlines, who rely on us to maintain the highest standards of operational safety. We are dedicated to mitigating the risk of accidents and ensuring optimal safety for all our operations.
Continuous Improvement
Samoa Airways is committed to continuous improvement in all aspects of our operations. We regularly review and update our safety protocols to ensure they remain effective and aligned with international best practices. Our team undergoes ongoing training to stay informed about the safety measures and procedures.
Community Support
We acknowledge that drug use is a complex issue that requires a collective effort to address. Samoa Airways is dedicated to playing our part in combating this problem. We collaborate with local authorities and health organizations to promote awareness and support initiatives aimed at addressing drug abuse.
We thank our passengers, partners, and the public for their understanding and support. Samoa Airways remains steadfast in our commitment to providing safe, reliable, and exceptional travel experiences. We will continue to prioritize safety and work tirelessly to maintain the trust and confidence of our valued customers.
Photo by the Government of Samoa (Leaosa Faaifo Faaifo)

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