17th February, 2025 @ 9:30AM – Sheraton Hotel, Apia.
Rev Maauga Motu,
Members of the Diplomatic Corp,
Private Sector and Civil Society Organizations,
Representatives of Organizations of persons with disabilities from the Polynesian Sub Region,
President of the Nuanua o le Alofa,
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Talofa lava,
I am honored to deliver the Keynote Address as Prime Minister of the Independent State of Samoa, to officially open the Peer and Collective Learning (PCL) -Talanoa (Forum) for Polynesian Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) 2025.
The Government of Samoa is committed to improving the lives of persons with disabilities. We are intentional to uphold the SDG mantra of ‘Leave No One Behind’ in our national development actions, our sectoral policies, programs and practices. Since ratification in 2016, we have taken concrete steps to implement the UNCRPD through our development efforts. The National Development Plan of Samoa demonstrates commitment to safeguard persons with disabilities across its priority areas. The National Disability Policy has translated the CRPD into national action to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are realised through services and access to opportunities for persons with disabilities and their families.
Some specific areas of progress are; disability disaggregated data with the Washington Group short set of questions in our 2016 and one of the first three countries in the Pacific to produce its disability monograph out of the census. Recently, in 2021, through the partnership with UN agencies and the strong leadership of Nuanua O Le Alofa (NOLA) we have implemented the cash transfer program to persons with disabilities. We acknowledge the commitment and leadership from Nuanua O Le Alofa in its advocacy in supporting and working alongside Government to make a difference to the lives of persons with disabilities and their families. Like many other countries in our Pacific, ensuring that persons with disabilities are part of National Development Plans is another top priority to Samoa.
I am told that this week you have your ‘peer and collective learning exchange program’, a platform established by the Disability Rights Fund to support your learning and cross learning amongst organisations of persons with disabilities in the Polynesia subregion. The dialogue this week or Talanoa as the Samoan say, is constructive dialogue to enable your learning, support your growth, enable your development is also key to our indigenous way of learning. I am sure you are here to share your experiences, knowledge and discuss solutions that you can take back home, solutions to remove barriers, influence systems and processes and ensure that we as Government are inclusive of persons with disabilities and to understand your diverse needs, ensuring that NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND in our communities.
From a Government’s perspective, this is also an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the diverse initiatives that Governments within our sub region have to protect, promote and ensure the rights of persons with disabilities. To engage in constructive dialogue and to contribute to national developments and nation building as key partners and beneficiaries of these developments, whether its accessing health services, employment opportunities or any other mainstream services. I am aware that the Government must ensure that specific services such as sign language, peer support, carers or personal assistances are keys to your inclusion and participation.
I wish you well in your deliberations and learning this week. I now declare your meeting officially open.