(Friday, 7 February 2025 at 6.30 – 9.00pm,Taumeasina Island Resort)
Lau Afioga, Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II and Masiofo
Members of the Council of Deputies
Ministers of Cabinet,
Chief Justice and Members of the Judiciary,
Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
Leader of the Opposition
Members of Parliament,
High Commissioner of New Zealand, Your Excellency, Si’alei Van Toor
Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Distinguished Guests gathered here tonight,
Talofa lava and Good evening to you all.
It is a pleasure for me to join you all at the reception this evening to celebrate the 185th anniversary of the signing of New Zealand’s founding document, “Te Tiriti o Waitangi” the “Treaty of Waitangi”. On behalf of the Government and People of Samoa I convey through you, Excellency Si’alei Van Toor our warm congratulations and felicitations to the Government and the People of Aotearoa New Zealand on the celebration of your national day.
This evening, we join in the celebration of the commemoration of Waitangi Day around New Zealand and other parts of the world in remembrance of the signing of the treaty. The occasion is an important marker in your country’s history and I understand that numerous events are held around the world and nationally to reflect the significance of the Treaty to national unity and the richness of New Zealand’s history and culture. I am told that the Kapa Haka Performers from Tauranga, the “Te Paringa Tai” are here and will perform for us this evening. Earlier on in the day, Te Paringa Tai had treated the Samoan public to another spectacular performance of songs and dances at the Matagialalua Friendship Park showcasing a bit of Aotearoa’s rich heritage and culture.
This occasion is an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come in our partnerships towards the achievement of common goals, for people, peace and prosperity. Have they remained relevant and mutually beneficial?
Samoa and New Zealand continue to enjoy a warm and close friendship underpinned by the foundation of our shared history and a unique “Treaty of Friendship”. There have been exchanges of high-level visits of Heads of State and Government, ministers and parliamentarians reflecting the prominence both countries accord to strengthening people-to-people links. The exchange of high-level visits signifies the maturity of our relations and the mutual respect we hold in high regard for each other. It is not unusual for us to ask ourselves how far the uniqueness of our Treaty of Friendship can go; particularly as we crave for facilitative short-term travel to visit families or explore business opportunities.
Last October, we hosted leaders of the Commonwealth including New Zealand’s Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs. We take this opportunity to again express the sincere appreciation of the Government of Samoa and its people to the Government of New Zealand and its people and Samoa’s other key partners, for the generous support and assistance provided, ensuring that Samoa and the Pacific successfully hosted the first meeting of Commonwealth leaders in our Blue Pacific region. A mammoth undertaking it was, but made possible through the generosity and magnanimity of our development partners including New Zealand and the commitment and dedication of many people. What we did not have the resources for, was provided, the capacity gaps were filled even if temporarily and the readiness to support was assured. The high standard and quality of the services provided left a legacy of Samoa’s enhanced ranking and capability to deliver high-quality logistical support for future international meetings.
The close relations between our two countries is reaffirmed by the 2024 Statement of Partnership – O le Fogavaa e Tasi which identifies the priority areas of cooperation including partnerships, security, empowering communities, building climate resilience and inspiring growth which are in alignment with Samoa’s aspirations and priorities as outlined in the “Pathway for the Development of Samoa.” We also acknowledge with gratitude the confidence of the Government of New Zealand in the use of country systems reflected in the extension of budget support under the Joint Policy Action Matrix involving our other development partners as well.
Samoa appreciates the continued commitment of the Government of New Zealand to diligently carry out the Operation Resolution for the HMNZS Manawanui working in tandem with the Samoan authorities and other development partners for the removal of fuel and pollutants from the site. Like our Pacific neighbours, the coastal and marine environment are significant for the sustenance of our local communities and we will continue to work in partnership with the Government of New Zealand and our other development partners to ensure the success of this Operation.
We look forward to the continuation of the excellent bilateral relations and partnership between Samoa and New Zealand for the benefit of our two countries and our peoples.
To conclude, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I respectfully invite you all to join me in proposing a toast:
“To the unity and prosperity of the Government and the People of New Zealand. Happy Waitangi Day!”
Photo by the Government of Samoa (Leaosa Faaifo Faaifo)