Faatalofa atu Samoa,
(FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Saturday, March 1, 2025) – The Electric Power Corporation (EPC) acknowledges the recent challenges faced by our customers due to frequent power outages and sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience caused. We understand the frustration these disruptions have caused, particularly during peak hours (6AM to 11AM and 6PM to 11PM), and we deeply appreciate the patience and support shown by the public as we work tirelessly to resolve these issues.
The current situation stems from two primary factors:
Electricity Generation Shortfall: Our Fiaga generators, which are critical to meeting peak electricity demand, have experienced technical issues. EPC teams are conducting urgent maintenance to restore their full capacity and ensure a stable power supply, near and long term.
Faulty Underground Transmission Line: A critical underground transmission line has been identified as faulty, impacting the distribution of electricity. To address this, EPC is actively constructing a redundancy line to provide an alternative pathway for power transmission, minimizing future disruptions.
EPC recognizes the essential role electricity plays in the daily lives of our community, from powering homes and businesses to supporting vital services. We are fully committed to delivering reliable and uninterrupted power to all our customers. Our teams are working around the clock to expedite repairs and implement long-term solutions to prevent similar issues in the future.
Gratitude to the Public
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the public for their understanding and support during this challenging
time. Your resilience and cooperation inspire us to work even harder to restore and maintain the high standard of service you deserve. EPC remains dedicated to serving our community and ensuring that Samoa has access to dependable electricity. As a public and essential service provider, we do not take your concerns lightly—your voices matter because our mission is to serve you, the people of Samoa.
Next Steps
EPC is taking immediate and proactive steps to address the current challenges and strengthen our power infrastructure for the future.
These actions include:
Building an Overhead Redundancy Line: To replace the faulty underground transmission line, EPC is constructing an overhead redundancy line from Siusega to Fuluasou substation via Tuanaimato. This shortterm solution will ensure a reliable alternative for power transmission while minimizing disruptions.
Procuring Additional Generators: To meet the rapidly growing demand for electricity, EPC is in the process of procuring additional generators. These will enhance our capacity to provide stable power during peak hours and reduce the likelihood of outages.
Continuing Renewable Energy Expansion Projects: EPC remains committed to its long-term vision of sustainable energy. We are actively advancing our renewable energy projects, including solar, hydro, and wind power, to diversify our energy sources and build a more resilient and environmentally friendly power grid.
EPC will continue to provide regular updates on the progress of these initiatives. We encourage customers to follow our official social media channels for the latest information and to report any outages or concerns to our customer service team.
Once again, we thank the public for their patience and understanding. EPC is committed to resolving these issues as quickly as possible and to building a more resilient power infrastructure for the future. We appreciate your patience, understanding, and continued support.
Electric Power Corporation
Aso Toonai, 1 Mati, 2025
Nofo Sauniuni ole tatou atunuu, ona ole maaleale ma le femoumoua’i ole auaunaga tau Eletise
E faatalofa ma faafeiloai atu ile tatou atunuu Samoa i lenei vaitau ole femoumoua’i ai o le tatou auaunaga tau eletise mo le motu o Upolu.
E pei ona silafia, ma o loo matauina lava foi i le tele o taimi, le faaletonu ai ole eletise mo le tatou motu o Upolu.
Ua lagonaina ma faamauina foi e le tatou matagaluega lo outou to’atamai ma le faasea. E faasilasila atu ma le agaga maualalo i lo tatou atunuu, e le māmā i le tatou faalapotopotoga lo outou leo faailo ma le finagalo faaalia; aua o le auaunaga lenei, e mo le tatou atunuu lautele.
O lea, e ao lava ona faalauiloa i soo se taimi lava, le faagasoloina o tatou galuega fesoasoani oloo galulue iai le matagaluega, ina ia fo’ia ise taimi lata mai, le tulaga ma’ale’ale ole tatou auaunaga o loo iai nei.
Mo le silafia ele atunuu, ona ole femoumoua’i ma le ma’ale’ale ole faasoasoaina ole tatou eletise mafua mai i faaletonu tau i tatou laina eletise malolosi ma galuega faaleleia mai fale afi, e mafua ai ona tele na motusia muamua atu ai lava laina malolosi e tele le manaoga tau eletise o loo taatia ai poo faasoaina atu ai. Lea e tele na silasila mai ai o loo aafia atu i afiafi le tatou South Coast Feeder ma le West Coast Feeder.
O le tele o taimi e ono tulai mai ai vaega nei, ole taimi e maualuga ai le manaoga tau eletise (poo peak hours) mai le 6 AM ile taeao agai atu ile 11 AM, ma le 6 PM ile afiafi e agai atu ile 11pm ile po. E le gata I lea, ae a faasolosolo lava ina maualuga atu le manaoga moomia i afiafi taitasi, e ono aafia uma atu ai ma le tele o isi tatou laina tele malolosi e aofia ai le Industrial ma le Lefaga Feeder, ma isi tatou laina eletise malolosi pe a le gafatia lava le manaoga tau eletise i ia taimi.
O le taimi nei, mo le silafia, e le’i lelei atoatoa lava le tatou auaunaga, ma ua avea ma tulaga e faapena ona toe tapa ai le tatou Faalapotopotoga ile tatou auaunaga faaleoleo mai Tanugamanono, aua le taumafaiga ole eletise faasoasoaina atu ile atunuu lautele. O le taimi nei:
o loo faaauauina lava galuega faaleleia i tatou afi eletise i Fiaga e mataitu ina ai le sologa manuia, o le faaaogaina mai i taimi nei ole femoumoua’i ai ole tatou eletise.
o galuega “toe faaleleia” e le mafai ona tu’ua, ona ole taumafaiga ina ia faaola vaega eseese o Upolu e ono motusia, pe a le gafatia le uta e moomia i taimi e maualuga ai le manaoga tau eletise.
o loo faaletonu le tatou laina eletise malosi ile eleele (underground feeder), o loo fesootai atu ai le tatou faleafi autu mai Fiaga ile faleafi o loo faatonutonuina le tatou auaunaga, i Fuluasou.
E ui i faaletonu nei ole tatou eletise, e le o nofoa’i le tatou matagaluega i ona vaega eseese, ile taumafaiga o se galuega vave ma mautinoa, e fo’ia ai faafitauli o loo feagai ai ma le tatou auaunaga, ma ia siitia le auaunaga tau eletise ma le faasoasoaina atu ole eletise ma le saogalemu mo le tatou atunuu lautele. E aofia ai i taumafai nei :
le fausiaina o le laina eletise malosi i le va o Siusega ma Fuluasou ae tape le laina eletise ile eleele oloo faaletonu, aua galuega faaleleia pe a ma’ea ona faaola mai le laina eletise fou
auina mai o tatou afi eletise faaleoleo, ae faamalolo afi eletise i Fiaga aua le galuega faaleleia, ina ia sologa lelei le toe faaolaina mai pe a maea le galuega faaleleia
faaleleia ma faaolaina mai tatou afi vai eletise mai Lalomauga ma Taelefaga
le naunautaiga ole tatou Faalapotopotoga mo le fa’aauauina o galuega tetele poo poloketi mo le fa’alauteleina o Malosi’aga Fa’afouina.
O lea e asu atu ai vai malu i o outou finagalo ma faamalulu atu ona o ia tulaga le maalofia. Ae matou te faailo ma le agaga maualalo, o loo taumafai atu le tatou auaunaga ile mea e gata ai, i lenei taimi ao feagai lo le tatou Faalapotopotoga ma luitau nei o le galuega, ma ole tatalo, finagalo malilie, lapapale mai, talosia mai le tatou galuega faatino, ae sei taumafai atu le tatou auaunaga i tatou galuega fesoasoani.
Faalapotopotoga Malosi Faaeletise

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