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(FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 07 March, 2025) – Diesel removal operation by the Salvage Company (“salvors”) contracted by New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), has come to an end, but further fuel extraction efforts and other recovery works continue on the sunken HMNZS Manawanui.

 The diesel removal operation is only Phase 1 of the long recovery process. The priority is minimizing environmental impacts and ensuring a careful, thorough operation. The diesel removal operation started in the last week of December, 2024.

 The salvors have reached and checked the fuel tanks, compartments, and other locations that could contain diesel fuel, oil, and other pollutants on the vessel.

 In total, 55 tanks and compartments were reached and checked. Ten tanks were not accessed as they were known to be either empty or not to contain pollutants.

 Over 320,000 litres of diesel fuel mixed with seawater have been removed, and from this, just over 300,000 litres of usable diesel fuel have been extracted.

Another 45,000 litres of liquid, including waste oils and diesel fuel/seawater, have also been removed and will be returned to New Zealand and processed for safe disposal.

Final amounts will be confirmed once assessments are completed.

 As stated at the beginning of this work, while there may be a very small amount of residual diesel fuel remaining in the vessel, the team is confident that the salvors have been extremely careful and thorough. The salvors have checked tanks, compartments, and other locations that could contain diesel fuel, oil, and other pollutants.

 Regular testing by the Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa (SROS) has reported consistently low hydrocarbons and confirmed that the seawater and marine life in this area are clear and uncontaminated.

As a result, the precautionary zone in the area that carried a warning on fishing was reduced and eventually removed in February, 2025. Regular testing will continue.

 Continuous environmental monitoring by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in collaboration with SPREP and relevant agencies, has shown that the diesel fuel that initially escaped into the sea dissipated relatively quickly, evaporating due to wind and wave action, as is typical for this type of light diesel fuel.

 All recovered items and the remaining unprocessed liquids will be transported back to New Zealand for processing and safe disposal.


The MPAC Chairman and CEO MWTI, Afioga Fui Tupai Mau Simanu, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation to the village of Tafitoala, the district of Safata, and the general public for your unwavering support during the extraction works carried out by the salvors.

The dedication and spirit of community you have shown have played a pivotal role in ensuring the success of this operation, and we are deeply thankful for the vital role each of you has played.

For more information:

Contact Makerita Atonio-Iese, ACEO Maritime Division of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure on or call 21611


SOURCE – Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure Samoa

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