E faatalofa atu Samoa i lau faasausauga i lenei afiafi.
E faapa’i atu ma le fa’aaloalo i le tapuaiga mau a lau Afioga i le Ao o le Malo, Afioga i le Sui o le Fono a Sui Tofia ma mamalu faale-Malo i le Tafatolu o Pulega.
O le paia lava ia i Aiga ma Tama, Tama foi ma Aiga, le mamalu ia Tumua ma Pule, Ituau ma Alataua, Aiga i le Tai ma le Va’a o Fonoti. Le nofo a Ekalesia i ona fata e fia.
Fa’afetai i le alofa ma le agalelei o le Atua, o lē o faavae ai le Malo o Samoa, ua taitaiina mai le tatou faiga malaga faagasolo o lenei tausaga i lona manuia.
O le asō na fa’amaea ai galuega a le Fono Faitulafono i le 2 vaiaso ua tuanai atu.
Na iloiloina ma pasia ni si o tulafono taua e teuteu ma suia ai le Tulafono Faavae ma le Tulafono o le Faamasinoga o Fanua ma Suafa. O le auga o ia teuteuga o le toe faamautuina o le faatulagaina o le Faamasinoga a Samoa e faauluulu i le Faamasinoga Maualuga i le taitaiga a le Faamasino Sili. O le isi vaega o teuteuga ma suiga mo le Faamasinoga o Fanua ma Suafa o le faamautu o le Faamasinoga Maualuga o Toe Talosaga.
O lena foi ua lau silafia le faagasologa o lafo i totonu o le Palemene i le mataupu o le lē faatuatuaina o le Palemia ma le Kapeneta. O na lafo e lua na faatulai mai e le Sui Faipule o Lepa, le Susuga ia Tuilaepa poo le Taitai o le Itu Agai, ma le Sui Faipule o Gagaifomauga 3, le Susuga ia Laauli poo le Taitaifono o le Vaega Faaupufai a le Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi. Na tafea uma lafo nei e lua, ma faamautuina ai le tulaga ‘faatuatuaina’ o au nei ma lau Kapeneta. Ua tele ni faamatalaga i nai masina ua tuanai i le tulaga lē mautonu poo le lē manino i le taitaiga o le tatou malo ae peitai o lea ua tali faaaliali i faaiuga fai a le Palemene o Samoa – lē faatumauina pea o la’u taitaiga faatasi ma le Kapeneta, o le Pule Faatonu, e faafoeina le tatou Malo. O le faaiuga a le Palemene, o le finagalo foi lena o le atunu’u e tauala mai i Sui Faipule filifilia.
I taualumaga o le fono na alia’i mai se tulaga ua fesiligia e le Malo le faatautaiga e le Fofoga Fetalai o le fono i se tulaga tutoatasi ma le lē faaauau ona o ana aia feteenai i totonu o le Maota. Sa iai le faamoemoe e tagofia e le Maota lea mataupu e tauala atu i se lafo ae peitai ua teena e le Fofoga Fetalai le faaofi atu o lea lafo i le laulau a Fono Faitulafono. Na faaalia foi e le Taitai o le Itu Agai lo latou lagolagoina o le mau a le Malo. Ua iu ai loa se finagalo o le Maota e faamalolo le Fono se ia iai se aso. O le a tuliloa e le Malo le mataupu lenei i auala o le tulafono.
Ua tele ni si o laasaga fou ua alia’i mai i lenei vaitau i upu fai o Malo. Ae peitai o lo’o mafai lava ona faagasolo galuega masani a le Malo i auaunaga ma atina’e ese’ese.
Pe souā foi finagalo ma taofi o Taitai, mai lea taimi i lea taimi, ua lava tapena faavae, tulafono ma faiga masani a le Malo, e lautua i le tatou aganuu ae maise le faatuatuaga i le Atua e fofo ala mea i luitau e tulai mai.
E le faaitiitia le agaga o le faafetai i le alofa tunoa o Le Atua mo Samoa i le maua pea o le to’a filemu i totonu o le Atunuu.
O le aso a taeao, o le a ou malaga ai i Peretania ona o le faatinoga o tiute faa Taitaifono o Malo o le Taupulega. O le tatou tali malo i Taitai o Malo o le Taupuluega i lana fonotaga ia Oketopa na te’a nei, na faase’e mai ai ia Samoa le tulaga Taitaifono mo le lua tausaga e faagata i le toe usuia o le Fono a Taitai o loo sosoo mai.
E avea lenei avanoa e momoli atu ai le faafetai tele i le atunu’u i ona tafa e fia i lo outou gapatia i tiute ma matafaioi ese’ese e tautua, tausi ma atiae ai Samoa.
Ua tatou iai i le vaitau o le Leni i taimi mulimuli o le tatou Alii Faaola na i’u i lona maliu e togi ola ai i tatou, ma lona toe tū manumalo mai le tu’ugamau – O ia o le tatou Faaolataga.
Ia manuia tele le faaiuga o lenei vaiaso aemaise le tapena atu mo le aso Sapati.
Soifua ma ia manuia.
Greetings and Talofa Lava
To His Highness, the Head of State, the Members of the Council of Deputies, and the esteemed leaders of the three branches of government.
I would also like to acknowledge the paramount leaders of our nation, the honored Tumua ma Pule, Ituau ma Alataua, Aiga i le Tai, Va’a o Fonoti, as well as the various religious communities.
We give thanks for the love and grace of God, who is the foundation of Samoa, as He has guided us safely through the course of this year.
Today marks the conclusion of the recent two-week session of Parliament.
During this session, key legislation was reviewed and passed to amend the Constitution and the Land and Titles Court Act. These amendments are intended to reaffirm the structure of Samoa’s Justice System under the leadership of the Chief Justice. Additionally, amendments were made to ensure that the High Court of Appeal for Land and Titles.
You will also be aware of the recent parliamentary proceedings regarding motions of no confidence against the Prime Minister and Cabinet. These two motions were introduced by the Member of Parliament for Lepa, Hon. Tuilaepa (Leader of the Opposition), and the Member of Parliament for Gagaifomauga 3, Hon. La’auli (Chairman of the Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi [FAST] Party). Both motions were rejected, reaffirming the confidence of Parliament in my leadership and that of my Cabinet.
There have been numerous discussions in recent months regarding uncertainty and concerns about the government’s leadership. However, the recent decisions of Parliament provides a clear response — that my government has the confidence of the House to continue to lead the nation.
This decision by Parliament reflects the will of the people, as represented by their elected Members of Parliament.
During this parliamentary session, Government raised concerns were raised about the Speaker’s conduct in ensuring impartiality and continuity in the House, given his inherent conflicts of interest. There was an expectation that the matter would be addressed in Parliament through a motion. However, the Speaker declined to table this motion for discussion. The Leader of the Opposition also expressed support for the government’s concerns. Consequently, Parliament has resolved to adjourn its sessions until further notice. The government will continue to pursue this matter through legal channels.
There have been many new political developments recently. However, the government remains fully operational, ensuring the continued delivery of services and development projects.
Regardless of differing opinions and leadership perspectives, the foundation of our governance, legal systems, and traditions remains strong, ensuring that challenges are addressed with wisdom, cultural respect, and faith in God.
We are deeply grateful for the blessings of peace and stability in Samoa.
Tomorrow, I will be traveling to the United Kingdom to fulfill my duties as Chair of the Commonwealth. As you may recall, during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) last October, Samoa was entrusted with this leadership role.
I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to the people of Samoa for your dedication in serving, safeguarding, and developing our nation.
We are in the season of Lent, the time when our Lord and Savior made the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation and rose victorious from the grave — He is our Redeemer.
Wishing you all a blessed weekend and preparation for the Sabbath.
Soifua ma ia manuia.
Photo by the Government of Samoa (Leota Marc Membrere)