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(UPDATE: 1 FEBRUARY 2020); All travelers Entering Samoa are advised to take note of the following requirements:

  1. A Special Health Declaration Form is required to be filled out by all travelling passengers inflight or on arrival in Samoa.
  2. Compulsory screening of all arriving passengers to Samoa is now in effect at all ports of entry.
  3. All Travelers originating FROM or TRANSITING through Mainland China, must spend at least 14 days self-quarantine at country of last port that is free of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and must undergo medical clearance within (3) days prior to final route to Samoa. This must be their final stop before travelling to Samoa.
  4. If in the event you arrive within the 14 day period, health quarantine measures will be applied. Return to the country of travel origin will be considered if the traveler is a non-resident.
  5. Travellers from the countries/states listed in the table below are required to undergo medical examination by a Medical practitioner within (3) days before ARRIVAL to Samoa. This will come into effect Immediately. This medical clearance is required for check-in prior to issuing of boarding passes. ALL Travellers Transiting Through the listed countries/states for 24 hours or more are required to provide a medical clearance at last port before onward travel to Samoa.
Travellers arriving in Samoa from Countries/states with Confirmed Imported cases will require medical clearance within 3 days prior to arrival into Samoa.
Country Confirmed Country Confirmed Country Confirmed
Thailand 19 USA – Specifically travelling from (California, Washington, Arizona, Illinois) 6 Russia 2
Singapore 16 France 5 Nepal 1
Japan 15 Germany 5 Cambodia 1
Hong Kong 12 United Arab Emirates 4 Sri Lanka 1
South Korea 11 Canada 3 Finland 1
Taiwan 10 Vietnam 2 Philippines 1
Australia 9 Canada 2 India 1
Malaysia 8 Italy 2 Sweden 1
Macau 7 UK and Northern Ireland 2  
  • Updated lists will be available every 2 days on the Government of Samoa and Samoa Ministry of Health websites.
  • All sea port entries will be screened at the quarantine buoy before the vessel docks at the wharf.

For All Travelers OUT of Samoa:

  1. It is strongly recommended that all persons intending to travel to China and any country affected by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus postpone their travel arrangements unless necessary.
  2. All travellers to countries listed in the table above must undergo medical clearance within 3 days if your stay is more than 3 days before returning.
  3. Preventive measures should be adhered to at all times in the event that travel cannot be postponed. Please note that compliance with conditions 1-5 above will apply upon return to Samoa.
  4. Be aware of the signs and symptoms of 2019 Novel Coronavirus which include: fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

For more information contact Tagaloa Dr. Robert Thomsen on Phone: (685) 66503 / 7676015 or Email:

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