It is my pleasure to celebrate with you today this important international event; the World Day for ‘Safety and Health at Work’.
Samoa as a member state of the International Labour Organisation, World Day for ‘Safety and Health at Work’ is observed across the globe, involving ILO constituents and key stakeholders on the 28th April every year. This occasion not only commemorates and promotes Safety and Health at Work; as well as to give recognition to the thousands of men and women that have lost their lives in the execution of their work.
The theme for this year’s OSH day is “Stop the pandemic: Safety and Health at work can save lives”. At a time of heightened uncertainty and fear around the world today of the global pandemic, a crisis such as the Covid-19 not only causes health emergencies but also economic shocks with a direct impact on markets, supply (production of goods and services), demand (consumption and investment) and the world of work.
In this regard, it is imperative for Samoa to work collaboratively as a nation to address these concerns through continuous dialogue and provide assurance and support from Government, Employers and Workers.
To undertake this theme the Ministry relies on shared responsibilities with key stakeholders such as the ACC, SFESA, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Police, employers and employees to promote a preventive safety and health culture, thus allowing workers to return safely to their homes at the end of each working day.
In light of the State of Emergency Orders, the Ministry in collaboration with the National Occupational Safety and Health Taskforce and ILO commemorates this special event through a number of awareness activities through television and social media; as well as the 3rd Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Stewardship Awards to acknowledge workplaces that in last 2 financial years have made commitments by complying with the legislative requirements for OSH.
Therefore, I congratulate the following workplaces on their achievements:
1. Government Ministries: The Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology
2. State Owned Enterprises: The Samoa Shipping Corporation
3. Construction Industry: The Craig Construction Company
4. Manufacturing Industry: The Samoa Meat Supplies Company, and the British American Tobacco Company
5. Wholesaling and Supermarket Industry: The Vaimea Mart
6. Retail Industry: The Saasaai Gas Service Station
7. Services Industry: The Georgie’s Pizza
8. Tourism & Hospitality Industry: The Amoa Resort
i. For the Public Sector: Samoa Shipping Corporation
ii. For the Private Sector: Samoa Meat Supplies
Congratulations to our OSH Stewardship Award winners and thank you for recognizing the importance of OSH in achieving decent work for our people. Certificates and in kind prizes will be delivered to your respective offices.
In ensuring that OSH matters is enhanced and improved at all levels, I am happy to inform that as of today the 28th of April 2020, the Ministry and the National OSH Taskforce have managed to signed 3 Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Health, Samoa Fire and Emergency Services Authority and the Ministry of Police in joint efforts to improve data collection on workplace accidents/incidents and illnesses/diseases.
I would like to acknowledge the support of the Samoa Red Cross, Accident Compensation Corporation and Samoa Hotel Association in their hard work towards assessing our awardees. Special acknowledgement to the Accident Compensation Corporation and International Labour Organisation for their ongoing financial assistance enabling the Ministry to conduct its activities to improve the standard of safety and health within Samoa.
May we continue to safeguard the safety and health of our workers during these difficult times.
God bless Samoa, Soifua