GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT; By the powers of Article 106 of the Constitution, the Head of State, le Ao Mamalu ole Malo, Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II after consultation with Cabinet under FK (20) Special 23 this evening signed into law new amendments to the Orders COVID 19 State of Emergency Orders.
The new amendments are as follow;
(1) For supermarkets:
(a) from Monday – Saturday, the opening hours are from 6:00am-7:00pm; and
(b) for Sunday, the opening hours are from 3:00pm-7:00pm; and
(c) this rule for supermarkets does not affect small shops which may operate normal hours.
(2) All businesses must close on Sunday, except:
(a) small shops which may operate normal hours; and
(b) the supermarkets in the restricted opening hours as stated above in (2)(b).
(3) For the purposes of this Order:
(a) “supermarket” is a shop where a person walks in through doors to purchase any groceries, and any other item; and
(b) “small shop” means a small shop with no walk in doors, and where purchase is made through the window opening/s.
(c) The Emergency Order 13 issued on 14th May 2020 is revoked.
(d) This Order commences on 21st May 2020.
The rest of the SOE is still in force until further notice from Cabinet.