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8th June 2020, APIA – The Australian Government through its Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) has provided financial assistance of SAT$200,000 to the Samoa Cancer Society Incorporated in support of their “Call to Action Campaign through strengthening community engagement – The impact of cigarette butts to our community health and environment #BUTT IT OUT! The Government of Samoa through the Civil Society Support Program – Samoa (CSSP) facilitates the DFAT’s annual funding for Non-Governmental Organisations, as part of the CSSP’s Phase II of operations from 2016 to 2020. After approval by the CSSP Steering Committee of the Society’s proposal for its BUTT IT OUT project, the CSSP Program Management Unit coordinated the signing of the funding agreement on Wednesday 27th May, 2020 to commence project implementation.

Cancer is the second common cause of global deaths according to the World Health Organisation. The four cancers that are of high prevalence in Samoa are breast, colorectal, lung and stomach (Samoa Cancer Report). Early detection is pivotal; hence the Samoa Cancer Society’s Campaign key messages: Vave iloa; Vave vaai se fomai; Vave vili mai (Early detection; Quickly see a doctor; and Quickly ring Samoa Cancer).

The Society’s BUTT IT OUT project builds on the outcomes of the previous VAVE Cancer Campaigns (I & II) which were also supported through CSSP with DFAT funding assistance.

These campaigns not only aimed at increasing public awareness and promoting early diagnosis of cancer; it also built grassroots capacity within local communities to detect early symptoms of cancer and accessing health services available for better chances of survival.

The VAVE Cancer Campaign is evolving and the new project is now focusing on emphasizing the hazardous impact of cigarette “butts” on our health and the environment. The “BUTT IT OUT” Science Project and the community Call to Action Campaign will be facilitated to control tobacco consumption, and prevent the purchasing of tobacco products.

Additionally, the project will include efforts to provide a positive social impact on the community through the empowerment of youths so that they can be responsible leaders in the future who can make informed decisions to protect our environment.

The Australian Government’s funding through DFAT and CSSP will undeniably motivate the Society in the successful completion of their project and will collaborate with a range of stakeholders such as the communities, youth, and government ministries.

The implementation of the Samoa Cancer Society’s new project commences with the resignation of Ms Shelley Burich who had been CEO of the organisation for almost six years and had championed the VAVE Campaign. Mr Su’a John Ryan, as the new CEO, will lead the BUTT IT OUT project.

The CSSP acknowledges with sincere gratitude the efforts by Shelley in her contribution to civil society development through her time with the Society. The CSSP also looks forward to partnering with Su’a as he takes up the BUTT IT OUT project to address cancer in Samoa.


For more information, please contact Sefulu Salesulu (CSSP Grant Project Officer – DFAT) or Elu Motootua (Grants Facility Manager) on telephone 24617/27278 or email:

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