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GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT; By the powers of Article 106 of the Constitution, the Head of State, le Ao Mamalu ole Malo, Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II after consultation with Cabinet this evening signed into law the following new amendments to the Orders COVID 19 State of Emergency Orders.

Public gatherings:
(a) combined church services (tapuaiga tuufaatasi), meetings and Tofiga a Ekalesia are permitted but attendance is restricted to 50 couples;
(b) social distancing of 2 meters is to be observed; and
(c) the church Minister (faifeau) is to ensure the 2 meter social distancing in the church is adhered to.

Church and Congregations only can have luncheons (to’onai) on Sunday.

Hotels and Restaurants: New Amendments
(a) non-guests are permitted to have lunch and dinner on Sundays from 12:00 noon – 10:00pm.
Restaurants are opened:
(a) for Sunday from 12:00 noon to 10:00pm for take away only;

And Inter-island domestic ferry services between Upolu and Savaii is still banned.

The rest of the State of Emergency Orders is still in force.
This Order commences on 5th July 2020.

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