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28 August 2020 @ Samoa Convention Center – TATTE Building, SOGI

Lau Susuga le Ta’ita’I o le sauniga,

lau Susuga Revernd Ulisese Toafa – Principal of the South Pacific Nazarene Theological College,

Development Partners,

Chief Executive Officers,

Representatives of Government Ministers and Corporations,

Principals and Representatives of Post School Education and Training providers and Representatives of Industries and Employers.

Ladies and Gentlemen

It is indeed my pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to you all this morning attending the official launch of the:

• Employer Satisfaction Survey Report for 2015, 2016 and 2017 Graduates form PSET Providers in Samoa; and the

• PSET Statistical Bulletin 2019

Across the Education Sector, there are three key expected outcomes that we need to achieve in the next four years – improved learning outcomes; increased rates of participation & completion; and increased rates of employment for graduates.

Measuring the level of achievements of these outcomes at the national and education sector level depends primarily on the information and data presented in these Reports.

The information and data contain in these documents that we are launching today are very essential in determining the level of achievement of the PSET sub-sector Key Performance Indicators in the Education Sector Plan 2019-2024 and the newly developed Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2020-2025.

The Employer Satisfaction Survey is conducted every three years to measure the progress of one of the PSET indicators in the SDS and the ESP on the “Percentage of Employers of PSET graduates satisfied with the application of graduates’ knowledge and skills in the Workplace”.

This survey was the opportunity for employers to assess the knowledge and skills of our graduates, identification of areas needing improvement of information measuring the performance of all other PSET Key Performance Indicators in the SDS and ESP. the Bulletin contains statistical information and data on PSET enrolments, graduates, lecturers & trainers and the Non-Formal Learning activities recognized by SQA.

The information presented in both reports will be of interest to a wide range of people including PSET Providers, education and policy analysts, students and public & private employers.

Provision of high-quality PSET will lead to improve value for money for PSET investment, enhanced and increased opportunities and pathways for our people, better choices and better options for quality education and better employment opportunities, promoting lifelong learning and an enhanced quality of life.

I also want to take this opportunity to acknowledge with much gratitude the Government of Australia and New Zealand for continuous financial support under the Education Sector Budget Support which enables the conduct of the Employer Satisfaction Survey amongst other PSET/SQA activities.

Ladies and gentlemen, I now officially launch the:

• Employer Satisfaction Survey Report for 2015, 2016 and 2017 Graduates from Formal Post School Education and Training (PSET) Providers in Samoa; and the

• PSET Statistical Bulletin 2019

Soifua ma ia Manuia…..

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