27th November 2020
(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT); Swab and blood specimens from the 70 year old man who tested COVID19 positive Thursday night and then negative earlier this morning while under Quarantine since he arrived 13th November (two weeks ago) are on their way to New Zealand tonight.
The elderly travelled together with his wife from Melbourne Australia via Auckland New Zealand to Samoa and have since been placed under quarantine for the last two weeks as mandated by Border Security regulations for all returning Samoans.
Referred to as the 2nd Imported suspected positive COVID-19 Case; here is the summary report prepared by the Ministry of Health and submitted to Cabinet this afternoon;
• 1 male, 70 years old, hypertensive, Samoan, transited through New Zealand from Melbourne Australia on 12 November 2020
• Arrive in New Zealand on NZ824 on 12th November and depart New Zealand on 13th November 2020 for Samoa on flight NZ990.
• Two tests conducted in Samoa – 1 negative and 1 Positive as per below dates:
• Test done in Australia on the 11th November at the 4Cyte Pathology Lab, Melbourne reported negative before departure on the 12th November 2020
• tested negative on scheduled testing on18th November 2020, and
• Tested positive on Thursday 26th November, 2020.
• Repeated swabs from both nostrils taken early this morning (Friday 27th November 2020 reported negative.
• He is currently in isolation with his wife who has consistently tested negative.
• Nasal swab and blood samples sent to NZ for reconfirmation and further evaluation.
Also heading to New Zealand tonight are blood samples from the Samoan seafarer whose results are inconclusive with one nostril testing negative and the other positive.
Both potential COVID19 cases returned home on the same flight.
Meanwhile the two men remain under Control Isolation at a Special Ward at the Moto’otua National Hospital under 24 hour security by police eliminating any contact with the public except for frontline health staff.
Also under controlled isolation is the elderly man’s wife and the seafarer’s roommate from their Quarantine Accommodations since they arrived back from Europe.
Both the wife and seafarers’ roommate have consistently tested negative since they arrived in Samoa.
As of this morning, all four have not display signs of the virus (asymptomatic).
All of the frontline personnel from health, airport, airline, quarantine, hotel, security etc. have all been tested negative.
As a precautionary, all of the 274 passengers on the flight will remain in Quarantine for another 7 days starting today. And their release will depend on any developments between now and when their additional quarantine period ends. Also as of today, the COVID19 Alert Response is activated.