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The public is hereby reminded that as part of our 60th Independence Anniversary Commemorations Programme, the National Emergency Siren Network will be activated by midnight 12 am tonight, thus all sirens along the South Coast from Aleipata towards Mulifanua will go off for only 10 minutes.

Families are gently encouraged and reminded to ensure that their elderlies and young children are kept informed of this initiative.

May the 60th anniversary of our country’s independence be a triumph for us all.


Agafili Tomaimano Shem Leo



E faamanatu atu i le mamalu o le atunuu, a’o tatou alo atu mo tapenaga mo le faamanatuina o le 60 tausaga o lo tatou Tutoatasi, ia nofo silafia ole a fa’aē’ēina sailini ile itu i Saute e amata mai Aleipata e agai atu i Mulifanua mo le na’o le 10 minute i le vaeluaga o le po nanei i le itula e 12am.

Fa’amolemole e fautuaina ai aiga uma ina ia tautuana ane nai matua tausi, tagata matutua ma fanau ina ia o latou silafia lenei fa’asilasilaga taua tele.

Ia manuia le fa’amanatuina o le 60 tuasaga o le Tutoatasi o si o tatou atunu’u.

Ma le fa’aaloalo tele,

Agafili Tomaimano Shem Leo

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