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Lau afioga i le Taitaifono o le Fono a Ekalesia Soofaatasi – Susuga Aisoli Iuli

Afio lau afioga a le Ao Mamalu o le Malo ma lau Masiofo;

Afio lau afioga a le Sui o le Fono a Sui Tofia;

Afio le Sui Palemia ma le Kapeneta, ma Minisita Lagolago

Afio le Fofoga Fetalai ma Sui Mamalu o le Fono Aoao Faitulafono;

Afio le Sui Faamasino Sili ma le Vasega o Faamasinoga;

Members of the Diplomatic Corps

Le paia o Samoa ua potopoto.

O lea ua o tatou taunuu mai i le faaiuga o le polokalame mo le faamanatuina o le 60 tausaga o lo tatou Malo Tutoatasi mo lenei masina. Ua futifuti manuula, ma ua liutino a tatou tatalo sa tuuina atu i le Atua mo lenei faamoemoe. Ia natia le tagata, a ia fo’i i le Atua le viiga ma le faaneetaga.

Sa matemate lima faiva o Pausisi, ina ua mua’i faataoto le ‘auau o le faamanatuga o le Tutoatasi mo le tausaga atoa. O le alafua fo’i o loo fai ma fetu ta’iala, o faamanatuga i lenei masina, ua taumua faatasi ma le polokalame mo le faamanatuina o le Teuila.

Peitai, faafetai ua foe lava pese, i tapenaga uma ona o le lalago faatasi o foe ma le galulue faatasi; e le gata i le taumafai atu o le Komiti o Tapenaga o le Tutoatasi, ae faapea foi i le talisapaia e le paia o Itumalo, Nuu ma Afioaga, Faalapotopotoga ma Aoga ma le atunuu atoa, o lenei faamoemoe. 

Faafetai atu i aufaipese sa lagiina viiga o le Atua i le amataga o lenei vaiaso, na tamua lelei ai le tatou polokalame. Malo mo lo outou sao i lenei tausaga. E faafetai atu foi i aufaafiafia uma e le gata i a tatou tauvaga; o le faamanatuga sa faia i Salafai, o Aoga uma, o Autalavou ma Ekalesia. E faamalo atu foi i Itumalo sa lautogia mo  pese ma faafiafiaga faaleaganuu, sa o tatou molimauina ananafi.  Ua malo le fai o le faiva. Faafetai le tapena.

E le faagaloina le sao taua o le Pulega mamalu a Alii ma Faipule, Saoao, Faletua ma Tausi, Aunafaapae ma Aualuma, aemaise le nofo-a-ekalesia. O loo maitauina le teu faamatagofieina o aai ma faoā aai i le atunuu atoa. Faafetai tele i la outou lagolago ma le opogiina o lo tatou faamoemoe.

E le galo Afi’a isi ona vao, aua le galuega faaositaulaga i lenei vaiaso sa feagai ma le aufaigaluega paia a le Atua sa o tatou galulue, aemaise le tatalo lē leoa i fata faitaulaga e fia i le atunuu. O lea ua taumai lelei lo tatou faiva, ma ua tuta i matagofie. Faafetai le fai tatalo, ma le nōnō manū mo si o tatou atunuu.

Samoa e, afai ua iai se pati ua sala a le Komiti, alofa faamagalo. O le a se taumafaiga le a’ua’u i lo outou silasila ma le maimoa tapuai mai, o le naunautaiga, ia niuali lo tatou faafetai i le Atua, o lea ua aulia lo tatou 60 Tausaga.

E lē mavae galu vale ma atumatagi fitā o la tatou folauga. O le augani, ia tatou folau pea ma le faatuatua, aua e taitai folau lo tatou Taitai Au Sili mo Samoa.

Ia alofagia e le Atua le atunuu pele. Ia folau i manuia a tatou Malo faaaloalogia, ae se’e manuia le tatou faigamalo i le agalelei mai o le Atua.

Ia taape a fatuati lenei aofia.

Soifua ma ia manuia


The celebrations this week epitomized the spirit of the year-long commemoration of our 60 Years of Independence and theme ‘to sail with faith’. Once again, I acknowledge with appreciation the support, participation and contribution of our people, districts and villages, churches, the private sector and business community, government Ministries and Corporations in this week’s events.

The milestones of this year’s celebrations such as the first national commemoration of the independence anniversary in Savaii, will be remembered. This would not have been possible without everyone’s support and participation.

While today marks the completion of the programme this week, the stock of activities in our Calendar, which includes the Miss Samoa Pageant tomorrow night shall continue until May 2023. We wish all contestants the very best.

Let us continue to sail, stride and proceed with faith – knowing that with God, all things are possible.


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