The Crops Division of the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (MAF) continues its awareness program focusing on eliminating the coconut rhinoceros beetles from our lands.
The beetle is known to be native to Southeast Asia. The beetle has devastated our coconut resources and industry as it bores into the crown of coconut trees, damaging growing tissue and feed on coconut sap, ultimately killing the coconut and thus reducing commercial production.
With the elimination efforts in mind, the Crops Division conducted a sanitation and collection programs in the village of Sa’anapu on 7 February 2023 to continue its collaboration from last year when the village received support from the Ministry. The Ministry continues to work in close partnership with our stakeholders especially our farmers to ensure they are equipped with the necessary knowledge to sustainably look after their farms, increase commercial production and incomes. The Ministry would like to express its great appreciation to the “Alii & Faipule” of Saanapu as well as the amazing farmers for their continuous support in our fight against this pest.
The Ministry would also like to encourage all stakeholders especially our farmers to reach out to us at any time if you need support with your farming efforts.
O le atina’eina o fua o fa’atoaga, o se tasi o galuega tupito a le Matagaluega o Fa’atoaga ma Faigafaiva. O lo’o fa’aauau ai pea galuega o le tineia o manu ainiu o lo’o a’afia ai pea le tamaoaiga o le atunu’u e maua mai i fua o niu. O le manu ainiu, ua avea o se manu fa’alafuā, o lo’o fa’aleagaina le ola lelei o fa’atoaga niu. I ana galuega fa’aauau mo le tineia o le manu ainiu, na fa’atino ai se galuega mo le aoina o le manu ai niu e le Vaega o Laau Toto ma le afioaga o Saanapu. Na talia lelei e le afioaga lenei galuega taua ma maua ai le avanoa e galulue fa’atasi ai ma le matagaluega.
E fa’afetai ai pea e le Matagaluega le lagolago fa’aauau a nuu ma afioaga, i sui mamalu o “Alii ma Faipule” fa’apea le au fai fa’atoaga mo le lagolagoina o taumafaiga a le tatou Matagaluega.
E fautuaina pea e le Matagaluega le lagolagosua a ana paaga aemaise le aufaifa’atoaga ina ia fa’aauau pea le tatou galulue fa’atasi i auala e atiae ai fa’atoaga aua le tamaoaiga o aiga ma le atunu’u.
O lo’o avanoa le tatou ofisa mo so’o se fa’afesili e uiga i auala ma puipuiga mo fa’atoaga.