The Government of Samoa and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) signed the Grant Agreement for the assistance of US$10 million under the Pacific Disaster Resilience Program – Phase 4 on Tuesday 21 March 2023.
The Honourable Mulipola Anarosa Ale-Molioo, the Minister of Finance signed the agreement on behalf of the Independent State of Samoa and ADB was represented by Mr. Aaron Batten, the Regional Director of the ADB Pacific Subregional Office (SPSO) in Suva, where he oversees the delivery of ADB operations in the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Samoa, Tonga, and Tuvalu.
The grant assistance is a contingency disaster financing – a standby budget support that can only be triggered and disbursed to support and respond to shocks caused by natural disasters and health emergencies.
Program Description
The main objective of the Program is to strengthen resilience to climate and disaster related shocks and stresses and health emergencies. The scope includes (a) strengthening policy and institutional arrangements for disaster risk management; (b) enhancing systems, information, and tools for risk management, including risk-informed development; and (c) improving climate and disaster risk financing and public financial management to address disaster impact. The program is expected to be completed by 31 March 2026.
The Government acknowledges the continuous support and assistance of the ADB to Samoa, and for recognising vulnerabilities of Samoa and the Pacific to disasters.
The Pacific Disaster Resilience Program (PDRP) with ADB commenced in 2017 to support Pacific Island countries recognizing their vulnerabilities to natural disasters and climate change, to respond natural disasters including health emergencies. This program comprises policy- based operations under the contingent disaster financing (CDF) option.
The first phase of the program was approved in December 2017. ADB committed US$6 million to Samoa in Phase 1 comprising a US$2.9 million grant and a US$3.1 million concessional loan. The Phase 1 grant was disbursed in April 2020 to support Samoa’s COVID-19 response following a state of emergency declared in March 2020.
The Phase 3 of the program was approved in November 2020, which included a US$10 million grant for Samoa. When Samoa was declared Stage 3 for COVID-19 community transmission by the World Health Organization in March 2022, disbursement was triggered, and the Government of Samoa drew down the available US$10 million to continue to support pandemic response efforts in April 2022.