(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT) – Places available for local residents wishing to register and secure permanent residence in New Zealand under the annual Samoa Quota has increased by 550 from the traditional 1,100 a year to 1,650 a year.
Local residents needing an immigration visa to enter New Zealand are now mandated to apply On-line.
The new policy is in effect during the Samoa Quota Draw 2023 now opened for registration until August 31st 2023.
The increase in registration according to Immigration New Zealand, (INZ) will make up for the “unused places when the Samoa Quota was suspended in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19. “This means that for Samoa, the unused SQ people-places will be reallocated across over the years 2022-2025 with an additional 550 people-places available each year-the total annual SQ people-places allocation will be 1,650 during this time,” clarified INZ.
The mandated on-line registration has been in place since October 2022, when borders opened after the COVID-19. And registrations have since become compulsory on line.
The on-line process follows successful consultations between INZ and Pacific Governments via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, (MFAT).
“Moving to online registrations allows for applications to be processed more efficiently and provides flexibility to process across the INZ Network,” elaborated the INZ and reassured that “stakeholders were comfortable with the move on line.”
Tentatively the Ballot Draw to randomly select successful applications by ballot is scheduled for October 6th 2023 followed by Letters to successful applicants drawn send out from October 16th-20th.
The successful applicants are required to apply for New Zealand residency within eight (8 months) of being issued their Invitation to Apply, (ITA).
More details are available in English and Samoan for the Samoan Quota.
- Taiala mo lesitala i luga o le initaneti mo le se‘i o le Samoan Quota Resident Visa (immigration.govt.nz)
- Samoan Quota Resident Visa online ballot registration guide in English (immigration.govt.nz)