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The Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour (MCIL) along with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) hosted a panel discussion on 15th March 2024, showcasing good policy practices on women’s entrepreneurships in the Pacific countries. The meeting was held on the sidelines of the Voluntary National Review Meeting organized by Government of Samoa and United Nations in Samoa.

Supported by ESCAP’s Catalyzing Women’s Entrepreneurship Project, the meeting brought together panelists from women entrepreneurs, representatives from Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Samoa, Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour of Samoa, Ministry of Women Children and Social Protection of Fiji, Commonwealth Secretariat and Government of Cook Islands.

Supported by the Government of Canada, the Catalyzing Women Entrepreneurship (CWE) Project is a regional initiative that is being implemented in six countries in Asia and the Pacific including Samoa. The main objectives of this project are to strengthen the entrepreneurial policy and governance ecosystems that foster women’s entrepreneurship, enhance women entrepreneur’s access to capital through innovative financing mechanisms, and strengthen their business and digital ICT skills through relevant training and tools.

MCIL signed a Letter of Agreement (LoA) with UNESCAP to support this project through different key activities conducted with stakeholders including the following:

i. Two ICT trainings for women entrepreneurs on the foundational elements of ecommerce and digital marketing

ii. Joint awareness program for informal women entrepreneurs on the business license process and other business support services

iii. Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for policy makers

iv. Development of Gender Responsive Indicators for the M&E framework of the MSME Policy

v. Rapid Assessment Report on the impact of Covid19 on women entrepreneurs

vi. Baseline Assessment Report: A Data Overview On Women Entrepreneurs in Samoa

vii. Business License Report: A review of the business license from the perspective of women entrepreneurs

viii. 4 meetings of the Project Advisory Group (PAG) – a coordinating mechanism set up to monitor the implementation of the project and to also create a platform for stakeholders to discuss and coordinate policies and initiatives that help advance women-owned, managed or led MSMEs in Samoa

The project objectives and the activities that had been implemented, are well aligned with two of the long term objectives of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Policy, which are to increase the number of women owned MSMEs and to increase the number of MSME participating in the formal economy.

The two reports – a) A data overview on women entrepreneurs in Samoa and b) A review of the business licensing process from the perspective of women entrepreneurs, were launched on 15th March 2024 at Lava Hotel, Apia. The reports were launched by Ms. Fiu Jacinta Matulino, Assistant CEO, Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour, Mr. Themba Kalua, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau, Dr. Srinivas Tata, Director of the Social Development Division of United Nations ESCAP and Ms. Mereseini Rakuita, Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women and Girls of the Pacific Community. The event also marked the successful completion of the project in Samoa.


SOURCE – Ministry of Commerce Industry & Labour

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