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• Lau Susuga i le Taitai o le Sauniga

• Afifio Afioga i Minisita o le Kapeneta / Sui Minisita

• Afio le Afioga i le Komesina o le Malo o Ausetalia

Fauluuluga o Matagaluega ma Pulega Tumaoti Taitaifono a le Malo

• Faapea le Mamalu i le Au Valaaulia

Talitonu ua maea ona paeulufanua ma paelago pa’ia o le asō e le fofoga o le aso. O pa’ia fa’alupea o le vala’aulia i le tafatolu fefa’atauagai o Samoa i pa’ia fa’aletalalelei, pa’ia fa’alemālō ma pa’ia fa’aleatunu’u. Tau lava ina ou fa’atulou iai ma le ava tele ma le fa’aaloalo.

Ua manino ma taoto i le agatonu le faava’a o galuega faatino a le tatou Malo i ona tulaga aoao tetele mo galuega ma atinae eseese.

O le tasi lenei o poloketi o lo’o galulue ai Pulega a le Malo, ma le Malo o Ausetalia e tauala mai le Pacific Climate Partnership, ina ia mafai ona si’itia auala e fa’aleleia ai le ‘au’aunaga e ala i atina’e o le malosi’aga faa-eletise.

E tusa ai ma fa’anaunautaiga o lenei poloketi, o le a mafai ona:

1. Siitia ai le lelei o le faatinoga o galuega atina’e mo le EPC ma le Ofisa o le Pule Faatonu o le Eletise (Office of the Regulator – OOTR)

2. Fa’aleleia le auaunaga i le iloiloina o mataupu ma atina’e taua e pei o maliega i le gaosiina o le eletise (PPA), fa’apea foi iloiloga o tau o le eletise ma tuuina atu ai fautuaga i le Kapeneta

3. Fausiaina lea o ni auala (systems) e tu’ufaatasi ai alafua ma ta’iala a le Ofisa o le Pule Faatonu ma le EPC auā le a’otauina o le ‘au faigaluega.

O le agaga fa’afetai e lē fa’aitiitia i le Malo o Ausetalia mo le latou fesoasoani mai mo le atina’eina o lenei poloketi tāua.

E momoli atu fo’i le faafetai ma le fa’amālō i le Ofisa o le Pule Faatonu, faapea le Pulega o Malosiaga Fa’a-Eletise mo galuega uma ua mafua ai le asō.

Honorable Members of Cabinet / Associate Minister

• Australian Deputy High Commissioner, Your Excellency Claire McGeechan

• Chief Executive Officers / EPC Board Chairman

Ladies and Gentleman

I firstly acknowledge the assistance provided by the Australian Government through the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership in supporting EPC and Samoa Office of the Regulator in this OpenCEM Project. The OpenCEM project represents a collaborative effort, aimed at empowering Samoa to achieve its renewable energy targets and ensure a sustainable and resilient energy future.

By enhancing planning tools, building capacity, and fostering stakeholder collaboration, this project lays the foundation for transformative change in Samoa’s electricity sector.

The Government of Samoa is committed to generating 100% electricity from renewable sources by 2031. Our aim is to provide affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for all. This project supports this commitment and will empower EPC and Office of the Regulator to look at ways to empower systems capacity in response to stronger planning, renewable integration, and sector decision making.

I believe this project will also:

1. Empower EPC and Office of the Regulator as key implementing bodies to deliver their mandated functions related to grid planning, management and renewable energy expansions.

2. Accelerate capacity for developing, reviewing, and facilitating advise to EPC for Power System Expansion Plan and Power Purchase Agreements as per the Electricity Act 2010, as well as enhanced capacity for reviewing electricity tariff structures and providing reliable advice to the Cabinet.

3. Provide a tailored openCEM model for integration into OOTR and EPC business processes, along with a package of training and capacity support to ensure adoption by relevant staff.

In conclusion, the OpenCEM project stands as a testament to the power of partnership and innovation in addressing complex challenges and driving sustainable development. It is a testament to our collective commitment with development partners to building a brighter, and more sustainable future for Samoa and its people.

Soifua ma ia manuia

Photos by Government of Samoa (Leaosa Faaifo Faaifo)

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