O le a’afia ai o fa’ato’aga ma meatotō ona o pua’a aivao, e leo se fa’afitauli fou ma ua maitauina lona fa’ateteleina i nei ona po. E tusa ai ma fa’amaumauga mai le Agriculture Census 2020, o lo’o fa’amauina ai le oo atu i le 26,776 o aiga Samoa o lo’o galueina pea le ’ele’ele e ala i taumafa totō ma atina’e tau fa’ato’aga. E sili atu ma le 60% o nei aiga ua mautinoa le a’afia o a latou atina’e ae maise o lo latou ola galulue ona o lenei fa’afitauli numera tasi i le tele o tausaga ua mavae.
O le ogaoga ai o lenei mataupu na afua ai ona talanoaina ma fa’asoaina i le Kapeneta ona o a’afiaga e lē gata i le pa’ū maualalo ai o le fuainumera o fua o fa’a’ele’eleaga e fa’amauina i tausaga uma, a’o fesuiaiga i le lelei ma le matua fa’atulagaina o talo ma isi oloa mo le fofoga taumafa aemaise mo maketi. O nei suiga ma fa’afitauli e āfua mai i le fa’aleagaina e meatua’olo ma pua’a aivao o fa’atoaga i le si’itia ai o lona faitauaofa’i.
O le mafua’aga lea o le saili fofō ai o le Matagaluega o Fa’atoaga ma Faigafavia, ma fa’alauiloaina ai loa le fa’aaogaina o mailei pua’a. I le faiga pa’aga a le Malo o Samoa faapea le Malo o Ausetalia ma NiuSila e tauala mai i le poloketi o le Market Development Facilities (MDF), ua mafai ai ona tau’a’aoina ai nei fesoasoani mo le fofōina o lenei fa’afitauli. E lua (2) mailei na mua’i taunu’u i le Tausaga 2023 ma fa’apipi’iina i Sapapali’i ma Satupa’itea. O le tausaga nei, (2024) i le masina o Aperila, na taunu’u ai i le Atunuu le isi sefulu (10) mailei fa’aopoopo, mai lalo o le Fa’alapotopotoga o Suesuega Fa’asaienisi i Samoa (SROS), ma ua mae’a foi ona tōfia Itumalo ma Afio’aga o le’ā muamua iai le fesoasoani.
Ua fa’amauina i sa’ili’iliga ma mata’ituina e le Matagaluega fa’atasi ai ma le lagolago mai ofisa o Fono Fa’avae o Itumalo, le ausia ai o le iva sefulu pasene 90% le telē o le sao taua a nei mailei i le tu’u itiitia o meatuaolo. O lo’o iai mea pueata o loo fa’apipi’iina, e mata’ituina nei mailei ma le fegāoia’i o puaa aivao, ma ua faamauina ai le silia atu i le 20 puaa e mafai ona maua i lona tataoina.
O lo’o aofia i nei mailei lona fa’atautau sautua lua e sili atu ma le 8,000lb lona mamafa, ae 20ft lona fa’ata’amiloga atoa i lalo. O lona fa’ataumata e 2(ft) futu lona lautele e taofia le oso i fafo o manu ua i totonu o le mailei ma e tusa ma le 30% pasene o lona avanoa i luga e taofia ai. E ui i le malosi atoatoa o lenei mailei, ae fa’amoemoe lava lona aoga ma le manuia i le sa’o o le nofoaga e tataoina ai. Ua maea foi ona tu’ufa’atasia e le Matagaaluega tusi ta’iala e limata’ita’iina ai le fa’aaogaina ma le fa’asoaina o nei mailei i Itumalo ma Ofisa o Fono Fa’avae.
O lo’o iai pea le fa’amoemoega i le Matagaluega o Fa’atoaga ma Faigafaiva i le auina mai o nisi mailei ma le anoanoai o poloketi e mafai ona tali atu i lenei fa’afitauli ua sosolo fa’aafi. O lo’o fautuaina foi le tu’upa lelei o a tatou fagafao ma lafu manu, ina ia tu’u itiitia le fa’atupulaia o manu ua ta’avao ma fa’alegaina ai meatoto.
PRESS RELEASE – Feral Pig Traps
The presence of feral or wild pigs poses a significant challenge for many farmers in Samoa. The Agriculture Census 2020 recorded the total number of agriculturally active households or families growing crops in Samoa of 26,776. Over 60% of these families have identified feral pigs as the primary challenge affecting the development of their crop farms for more than a decade. The severity of this issue has elevated discussions to higher levels including Cabinet meetings, resulting in the loss of crop harvest and the rapid decline in production figures of some of the major crops, especially taro. The decline is predominantly attributed to the rising number of feral pigs.
For that reason, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries made the crucial decision to address this issue by introducing the utilization of Pig Traps. A ceremony to launch the installation of Samoa’s first ever pig traps was held on the 3rd of October 2023 in Savaii. Two traps were procured under a fully funded project by the Australian government (MDF), to trial the effectiveness of this idea in Sapapalii and Satupaitea. Now, 10 additional traps procured by the Scientific Research of Samoa were just launched in April this year and the plan is to install them in selected districts/villages in Upolu.
Continuous inspections, monitoring and evaluations of these traps by both MAF and individual village committees has indicated a successful rate of 80 to 90 percent. Visual documentations including pictures and recorded footage from these traps stated tangible evidence that a trap can hold up to 20 pigs in a single catch. An inferred camera is also installed on the trap or a nearby tree to observe the movement and the progress of pigs in the trap around the clock.
A double wall, heavy duty trap consists of a 20ft long base net with dynamic drop strength of more than 8,000-ft-lbs, as well as a vinyl-coated easy pull cable seam that makes opening and closing your trap a piece of cake. A 2-ft wide trap cap that can be clipped or sewn in covers approximately 30% of the net opening and keeps jumpers inside the trap. Yet, the success of catching pigs with these traps strongly depends on where they are placed. A manual guide for piloting the use of pig traps in specific districts and for collaborating with districts’ Fono Fa’avae Offices in monitoring and sustaining these valuables assets is in place.
The Ministry continues to plan to acquire more traps through various projects to maximize the effectiveness of this initiative. However, it strongly advices and encourages the practice of raising pigs in enclosed pens or fenced areas to further mitigate risks.
SOURCE – Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries – Samoa
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