Ua loloma nei le tai sua, aua ua fotupule le tai o Tumua, ua tuā’au ma fuamalu le tai o le Tuiatua. O lea sa tapulogologo ai nei le vaa o le Tuimanua Mamana, ina ua ‘iite le malama nai Saua, ae fotupule le faiva o tama. Ua feoloolo le taeao ina ua mapu’e le ti’asa, ae laga le galu fuliafā. Ua lē tu ai se ola, ae ua ē ai le manu o le vateatea. O lele ua si’i ai lo’u vaa, ina ua ala le mafua o alii. Ou te manatu o le asō, o le fale ua lau i ula ae pou i toa paia ma mamalu, aua o paia ua taoto ao se ala o’o, o paia ia o lea ua uma ona faataoto faalaau-tapu’e.
Le paia o le au-valaaulia i le susu o lau susuga i le Taitai o le sauniga, Rev. Gloria Marke,
Afio lau afioga i le Peresetene o le Ekalesia Metotisi, Rev Faulalo Leti Paaga,
Susu lau susuga i le Failautusi Aoao o le Ekalesia Metotisi i Niu Sila, Rev. Tara Tautari,
Afio lau afioga i le Tupu Tamaitai o Tonga, Lau Afioga Nanasipau’u,
Afio lau afioga i le Peresetene o le Faalapotopotoga o le Lalolagi, Mrs. Sipiwe Chisvo,
Lau afioga i le Peresetene o le Ofisa o le Pasefika i Saute, Olive Amani Tanielu,
Afifio a outou afioga i Taitai o Iunite mai le Itulagi o le Pasefika-Tonga, Fiti, Papua Niu Guinea, Solomona, Ausetalia, Niu Sila ma Samoa,
Afifio valaaulia faapitoa mo lenei faamoemoe, aemaise o sui auai uma o le Semina.
Matou te faatalofa ma faafeiloai atu i le agaga e tumu i le faaaloalo. Mālō le sopo ua faamālō le tauata’i, o lea ua tatou tepa i ‘ula ma tagai mālō i le alofa faasoa ma le agalelei o lo tatou Atua.
O le maitau i lenei faamoemoe o le tuufaatasia ma mafuta faatasi lea o tamaitai o le Pasefika i Saute e fefa’asoaa’i i le Talalelei, ma a’oa’oga a le Atua. E le gata i lea o le atina’e ma le faamalosiauina, ia maua e tamaitai le loto tetele ma le faatuatua e avea ma ave feau o le Talalelei, avea ma taitai e atagia ai le alofa lē faatuāoia o le Atua, e maua ai le fealofani ma le fegalegalea’i, e atagia ai le autu o le semina “Ina ia o e fua mai fua e lē pala, fua o le agaga e pei ona tā’ua i le Tusi o le Kalatia.
Rev. Gloria Mark, Worship Leader,
Reverend Faulalo Leti Paaga, President of the Methodist Church of Samoa,
Reverend Tara Tautari, General Secretary of the New Zealand Methodist Church,
Your Majesty, Queen Nanasipau’u Tuku’aho,
Mrs. Sipiwe Chisvo, President of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women,
South Pacific Area President, Olive Amani Tanielu,
Unit Leaders from Tonga, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Australia, New Zealand, and Samoa,
Esteemed guests and fellow delegates,
Talofa lava and warm greetings to you all,
It is with great honor and joy that I welcome each of you to our beautiful Samoa. Whether this is your first visit or a return to our shores, we fully embrace you with our Samoan hospitality. Your presence here is a testament to the unity and shared purpose that bring us together for this important occasion.
This year’s theme for the Samoa Pacific Area Seminar, “Go bear fruits, fruits that will last,” resonates deeply with our Christian values and our nation’s guiding principles. It is a powerful reminder of our collective mission to know Christ and make Him known. Our national motto, “Samoa is founded on God,” is the cornerstone of our identity that shapes our lives, families, and state.
The Tree of Life, an emblem of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women, holds profound symbolism. It represents continuous life, growth, strength, and the nurturing spirit of our shared mission. In this way, women are like the Tree of Life, bearing fruits of evangelism, education, health, and peace—fruits that nourish and sustain our communities. As the Tree bears twelve fruits, symbolizing the diverse aspects of our mission, so too do women nurture, shape, and guide their communities in fostering a future filled with hope and stability.
This South Pacific Area Seminar provides fertile ground for ideas to take root and flourish. It is an opportunity for women from diverse backgrounds to come together, share experiences, and empower one another. The workshops addressing critical issues such as domestic violence, women’s education, and health are designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to drive meaningful change in your communities.
As we gather here, let us remember that just as the Tree of Life is a beacon of hope and nourishment, so too is this seminar—a place where we cultivate our strengths, reflect on our shared values, and commit ourselves to a lasting impact. The work you do here is vital, calling us to remain rooted in Christ while reaching out to make a difference in the world.
I am particularly excited to introduce the SPA Young Women Leadership Program, an initiative that embodies the very essence of this seminar’s theme. This Program is like planting seeds for future leaders, enriching them with the love of Christ and supporting women’s education at all stages of life. In an age marked by the increasing effects of climate change and the persistent challenge of domestic violence, this Program encourages collective action to address global issues such as climate change and gender equality.
Your dedication and passion extremely inspire me. As we uphold the values of the Tree of Life, let us also honor the foundational principles of our nation and our faith. Through our actions and commitment, we will continue to grow, thrive, and make a lasting difference.
May this seminar be a time of reflective learning, sharing and spiritual renewal. I trust that you will leave Samoa empowered to fulfill the work that God has called you to in your communities.
Soifua ma ia manuia.
Photo by Government of Samoa (Pule Puleina)