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(Aso Faraile, 20 Setema 2024 – 10.00am – Fale Samoa NUS)

O le a le toe solia le vaosa o Samoa, pe toe asaina le sami loloto, aua e ui lava na puaoa le lagi ae iloa lava fetu tai Malaga. Ua maea foi ona faataoto e le fofoga o le aso itu tetele o le paia o sasao nei.

Ua uma foi ona momoli lapalapa o malo pei ona tapena iai le tofi valaauina. Tatou talia laia lupe mua ma sei to faaua mai faamanuiaga e susua ai o tatou vaipapa ma tatafe ai alia.

Pau lava lea, e fia faapoi le tulaga ma muai ala uta ona ua mamalu ma mapuepue lenei taeao na liugalua

Tulou Tulou Lava.

Ina ia faigofie ona faasoa le agaga o le aso, ou te faaaogaina ai le gagana tatou te fesootai ai.

Greetings and Talofa,

Lau Susuga i le failotu,

Your Excellency the Charge d’ AFFAIRES,

The U.S Embassy Samoa,

To the Peace Corps Chief Operations, Inter America and the Pacific Region.

The Country Director, Peace Corps Samoa,

Peace Corps Training Manager,

Programme Manager,

Peace Corps Volunteers , Group 94,

Government Officers,

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am most pleased to speak on behalf of the Samoa Government and the Ministry of Education and Culture, to convey our most sincere and heartfelt gratitude to the United States of America, for the endless and most valuable support provided under this programme known as ‘’Peace Corps Samoa Volunteers”.

Today, not only marks the beginning of another transformative journey for the new group of volunteers but also the continuation of an enduring partnership with the American people.

The Peace Corps volunteers programme had played a vital role right from the sixties up till now. Helped a lot with the Development of English literacy in preparing innovative techniques to ensure no students is left behind.

Samoa Primary School students had a real taste of first hand learning from native English speakers, who worked hard to instill a love of reading and writing.

The voluntary programme focus on, social and cultural values are emphasized as well as a two way cultural exchanged between Samoa and America. For the group who would be sworn in today, ‘’Congratulations’’ I could not thank you enough for your determination, unity and solidarity, in this friendship that our two Governments had shared 57 years ago.

We are proud to welcome you all in our workforce, communities and country. Looking forward for the best combinations of talents, skills, and attitude for great performances and success for schools you are working at.

God Bless,


Photo by the Government of Samoa (Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga)

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