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(Lava Conference Room, Sogi 24 Septemeber 2024, 10am)

Afioga Patele Mikaele Mataafa, Taitai o le Sauniga

Afioga ile Hai Komisi o Niu Sila Si’alei Van Toor

Afioga ile Hai Komisi o Ausetalia Will Robinson

Sui Fa’auluuluga Matagaluega o Fesootaiga Leaso Ronnie Aiolupotea

Mamalu ua aofia, Tulou!

Ua malumaunu le fogatia, auā ua atoa ali’i seu ma o latou soaseu. Ou te le toe seu tafilia la le na’a, ae ou te seu matato’aga auā le fuifui ua totō ifo i maotaga. Ua sausau fialele le manu sa moe afusia, auā e faigatā Samoa o le fue lavelave, a o se i’a mai moana, ma e ifo tonu fo’i le fuiniu i le lapalapa.

Lea ua maea ona pae lago e le Afioga ile Tamaitai Pule, paia ma mamalu o lenei taeao, ua tea foi i i’u o lagi gafa paia o le lagi e ala ile fa’alelegafulu a le aufaigaluega paia lenei taeao. O lea ua tau ai o le asō.

Ae ou te lei tautala e fa’ailoa se manatu ma le agaga o lenei fa’amoemoe. E momoli atu lau fa’afetai tele aemaise le fa’amalo ile tatou vaega lenei mo le galuega ua maea, ile fa’aavanoaina mai o le taimi e fa’atino ai lenei fa’amoemoe ina ia lelei ma mautu tatou tapenaga aua puipuiga mo feso’otaiga mo le fono a le Taupulega, o le a tatou alo atu iai, ia Oketopa. O lau tatalo ina ia iai ma fa’atumauina le mana o le Atua i luga o a outou galuega. Tautuana le tatou galuega ina ia fai ma le mataalia, ia fetausiai ma galulue fa’atasi aua se lelei o si o tatou atunuu.

O tatou na ona tapena ma fa’amautu, ae o le Alii na te fa’atino ma fa’alautele e ala i lona alofa tunoa ma le musumusuga a le Agaga ina ia sologa lelei ma siitia galuega. Ia iai pea Lana puipuiga i si o tatou atunuu, aemaise le Malo ma tagata o le fai mai, ae silisili ai Sona viiga.

Afioga Patele Mikaele Mataafa

Her Excellency Si’alei Van Toor

His Excellency Will Robinson

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Distinguished Guests,

Our partners from New Zealand and Australia,

Members of the Commonwealth family,

Participants and stakeholders,

Talofa lava and warm greetings to you all.

It is both a privilege and a great honor for me to address this training in preparation for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2024 CERT & IT Training, graciously supported by the governments of New Zealand and Australia. This training initiative represents a milestone in our shared efforts to bolster cybersecurity capabilities and foster a resilient, digitally-connected future for Samoa and the Pacific region.

First and foremost, I extend our deep gratitude to our regional partners, and in particular the governments of New Zealand and Australia, whose support has made this training possible. Your investment in Samoa’s cybersecurity infrastructure underscores the profound partnership we share and your commitment to the region’s digital transformation. Through this collaboration, we are not only prepares to ensure a safer cyberspace for CHOGM but also enhancing Samoa’s capacity to respond to cyber threats and building a more secure, reliable digital ecosystem across the Pacific.

In an age where our economies, communities, and very livelihoods are becoming increasingly intertwined with the digital world, cybersecurity is not a luxury but a necessity. Our dependence on digital networks continues to grow, from public service delivery to business operations, education, and healthcare. This comes with the urgent need to protect our systems from malicious threats and vulnerabilities. That is where CERT—our Computer Emergency Response Team—plays an indispensable role.

As we all know, improved connectivity brings both opportunities and challenges. It is imperative that our Government and its development partners step up to protect its resources and, most importantly, the invaluable information that underpins our national security.

CHOGM presents a unique opportunity for you to put all this training into practice. The collaboration with the Government of New Zealand has enabled us to provide these essential skills, and I thank them for their unwavering support. Additionally, the risk assessment facilitated by the Government of Australia has been a significant step forward in understanding our preparedness and identifying gaps that need to be addressed.

Establishing a Security Operations Center (SOC) is a pioneering achievement in Samoa and the Pacific, which we are grateful to the Government of Australia for this support in engaging the RAPID team for this support. While this initiative is specifically tailored for CHOGM, it stands as a commitment from our government to continue safeguarding not just Samoa, but our wider region well into the future.

I am excited that our Pacific neighbours will also join us in this operation, providing everyone with a hands-on experience that will deepen understanding and capabilities in real-world scenarios. This is the chance to apply what you have learned, and to make a meaningful impact.

As we move forward, I wish to remind you that your roles are not just tasks to fulfil; they are critical contributions to our nation’s security and reputation in the region and to the international community. We have been hosting these types of events in the past, so we know the expectation as a service provider, government, spiritual commitment but most important as a Samoan who wants to make a change to this place we call HOME.

Finally, to our participants, I encourage you to fully engage with the learning opportunities provided. This training is an investment in your future, our country’s future, and the future of the Pacific. You will be at the forefront of ensuring the security and prosperity of our digital landscape.

In closing, I once again thank New Zealand, Australia, and all stakeholders for their enduring support and collaboration. Together, we can build a stronger, more connected, and more secure Samoa.

Fa’afetai tele lava, and may we have a productive and inspiring training ahead.

Thank you.

Photo by Government of Samoa (Taunuuga Toatasi)

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