Cabinet Releases

(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT) – Back at the helm of the Electric Power Corporation for his second three years in office as General Manager,  Faumui Iese Toimoana Electric Power Corporation reappointment is articulated on a Cabinet decision reached at its weekly meeting on Wednesday 22nd November 2023. Faumui brings over 29 years of service within the […]

(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT) – Effective Monday May 1st 2023, all schools (Government, Mission and Private Schools) from pre-schools to Secondary or Colleges are closed until May 5th 2023. In its meeting this week, Cabinet approved the Special five (5) days holiday break in response to the escalating number of children with Influenza B symptoms seeking […]

Aso lua, 4 Aperila, 2023 Ou te fa’atulou atu i le pāia mauāluga o si o tatou atunu’u. E afua mai i ona itu tetele ma ona itu taulagi, auā pāia fa’alemālō, o pāia fa’ale-atunu’u, ma pāia fa’ale-talalelei. E fa’apea fo’i i le loaloa o si o tatou atunu’u se’ia o’o atu i nai fanauiti. […]

Cabinet at its meeting on Wednesday, 29th March 2023 approved the appointment of Mr Kolone Tikeri as the Secretary to the Public Service Commission. Nine candidates interviewed for this position. Mr. Tikeri graduated with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration in 2021 from the University of Newcastle, Australia. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts […]

(GOVERNMENT PRESS SECRETARIAT): Cabinet has approved the appointment of Tuitoga Christina Angela Te’o Faitele as the Samoa Public Trustee for the next three (3) years. Tuitoga will take over the reins from afioga Leaupepe Peleseuma Mata’utia F.S. Ropati who has served in the position for 18 years. Tuitoga was the most highly recommended applicant by […]

 (GOVERNMENT PRESS SECRETARIAT)-; Established in 1990 to improve housing and living conditions for families in Samoa, the Samoa Housing Corporation (SHC) continues to deliver its mandate and responsibilities to date. This week, Cabinet approved the interview panel’s recommendation to appoint Afioga Sautiamaivasa Funefeai Titimaea Tiotio to the position of Chief Executive Officer for the SHC, […]

(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT)- The National University of Samoa’s Board and Selection Panels’ recommendation to appoint Associate Professor Tuifuisa’a Patila Amosa as their new Vice-Chancellor and President was unanimously approved by Cabinet this week. At the completion of interviews for the four applicants, Tuifuisa’a is described by the panel as the best candidate for the job […]