Training for the Improvement of the Coral Reefs in Salē Saipipi and Asaga, Savaii “A leai se amu i gataifale, ua leai foi se i’a ma se figota e tua iai o tatou tagata.” “If there are no corals in the reefs, there are no fish or shellfish for our people to rely on.” O […]
His Excellency Ambassador Fei Mingxing likens the Campus of Hope shelter facility to a home. The observation by the Chinese Ambassador was made this week during His Excellency’s first visit to the refuge for abused and vulnerable women and children, operated and managed by the Samoa Victim Support Group. The visit was an opportunity for […]
The University of the South Pacific (USP) Samoa Campus, Pure Pacific Water (PPW) and the British High Commission held a handover ceremony on Tuesday to officially launched a collaboration to provide free, cold, and filtered drinking water to students and faculty in an initiative to reduce single use plastics on campus and in the local […]
As part of ACIAR the project “Responding to emerging pest and disease threats to horticulture in the Pacific islands” (HORT 2016 185), Workshops are being held in Samoa and Tonga to discuss strategies to control the most destructive citrus pest and a recent introduction into the South Pacific Islands, the Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP). The […]
Lau Susuga i le Taitai o le Sauniga – Lau Susuga Rev. Fereti Sefo Lau Afioga i le Sui Palemia ma Minisita o le Kapeneta Susuga i Alii Felela Afioga i Fa’atamā o le Asosi o Alii ma Taimaitai Tuai o aoga a le Malisi Le Afioga i le Peresitene ma tulagatofi o le Asosi […]
PRESS RELEASE- It is with extreme sadness that the Samoa Association of Sport and National Olympic Committee (SASNOC) announces the passing of boxing coach Mr Lionel Elika Fatupaito. Elika passed away this morning, local Paris time, in the Games Village. “Lionel was one of Samoa’s top boxing coaches and a great believer in the Olympic […]
EFKS MATAUTU-UTA (ASO TOONAI, 27 IULAI 2024 – 10:00AM) Ou te fa’atulou atu i le pa’ia maualuga o lenei sauniga; I le Susū o lau Susuga i le Ta’ita’i o le Sauniga; Fa’apea le nofo a Fa’afeagaiga ua o tatou mafuta fa’atasi; Afifio o Minisita o le Kapeneta, vae-atu le pa’ia o le Malo Tuto’atasi […]