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PRESS RELEASE: October 2020 Live It Nation, Inc. has launched its 1st Annual Poetry Contest for Secondary School students in Samoa. The Poetry Contest was announced on Live It Nation’s social media platform by a youth ambassador of the organization detailing the contest rules and regulations on September 23rd. The contest runs until December 3rd. […]

SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE AGAINST PAUGA, CONFIRMS AG SAVALENOA By: Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufuga Attorney General Savalenoa Mareva Betham Annandale in a press statement has confirmed that there is sufficient evidence to support the charge of “conspiracy to commit murder’ against Talalelei Pauga.However given that the hearing of the other two co-defendants already charged have yet to […]

Around ten of Samoa’s best seed-stage start-ups will participate in a bootcamp and compete to represent the country at the regional Seedstars Competition with the chance to access the final stage in Switzerland and win up to USD 500,000 in equity investments and other prizes. Apia, Samoa, 1 October 2020 – Seedstars World, the largest […]

PRESS RELEASEMinistry of Education, Sports & Culture, (MESC) MESC’s free and secure Wi-Fi project for Schools (30th September 2020): The newly launched “Free Wi-Fi for schools” Project by Netvo Samoa, FAST and associated partners provides a great prospect for an improved access to the internet and information for learning. However, the absence of appropriate security […]