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Response to Samoa Observer’s Article; “Chinese company warned over construction breaches” (21st SEPTEMBER 2020) The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Independent State of Samoa would like to respond to the article “Chinese company warned over construction breaches” published by Samoa Observer on 21st September 2020. The article’s source, Epoch Times, is […]

Ministry of Works, Transport & Infrastructure 21th September 2020; We wish to respond to an article published by the Samoa Observer on 20th September 2020, with the headline “Chinese company warned over construction breaches”. The letter dated 09 January 2020 to Shanghai Construction Group is a standard procedure letter of the Planning and Urban Management […]

PRESS RELEASE; U.S. Embassy Apia – SAMOA United States donates Personal Protection Equipment To Samoa (18th SEPTEMBER 2020); A shipment of U.S. government-funded medical supplies takes to the water this afternoon bound for Apia.  Ambassador Scott Brown, U.S. Ambassador to the Independent State of Samoa says he was honored to have the opportunity to assist […]

Press Release: OPENING HOURS FOR PRIVATE PHARMACIES ON SUNDAYS At its meeting FK(20)37 on Wednesday, 16 September 2020, Cabinet discussed and thereby approved an amendment to the SOE orders, to authorize private Pharmacies to operate on Sundays from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. This amendment becomes effective on Sunday, 20th September 2020. All other current orders under […]

PRESS RELEASE; Central Bank of Samoa, (CBS) CBS MAINTAINS EASING MONETARY POLICY STANCE FOR FY2020/21 Friday, 18 September 2020:  The Central Bank Board of Directors at its meeting of 18 September 2020 approved the continuation of its expansionary monetary policy stance which means to keep the cost of capital low and/or encourage commercial banks to […]

1. In addition to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Ministry) public notice issued on 28th August 2020, the public is further advised that due to the potential spread of the avian influenza virus across the states of Australia, the importation of all avian and ratite meat, meat products, by-products, eggs, egg products, live birds, […]