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(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT); Amendments to the Coronavirus (COVID19) State of Emergency Orders have been approved and signed into law this evening by his Highness the Head of State, Afioga Tuimaleali’ifano Va’aletoa Sualauvii II. The new amendments include suspending flights between Samoa and Australia, until further notice. Subsequently both Samoa Airways and Air New Zealand flights […]

OFISA OLE SO’OUPU A LE MALO; Ua faamaonia faaletulafono suiga o le Poloaiga o Faalavelave Tutupu Faafuasei (Proclamation of Emergency) mo le Coronavirus (COVID19) e le Ao Mamalu Malo le afioga, Tuimaleali’ifano Va’aletoa Sualauvii II ile afiafi nei ile maea ai o le Fonotaga Faapitoa a le Kapeneta. O nei suiga e aofia ai faiga […]

PR1 – NATIONAL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTRE (NEOC) ACTIVATED FOR CORONAVIRUS (NATIONAL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTRE); The National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) has been activated as part of Samoa’s response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global crisis. The Proclamation of Emergency period is from 21 March to 4 April 2020. The activation of NEOC is part of Samoa’s […]

GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT; A State of Emergency has been declared in Samoa in response to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) global crisis. His Highness, the Head of State, Afioga Tuimaleali’ifano Va’aletoa Sualauvi II pursuant to Article 106 of the Constitution and at the advice from Cabinet approved the following orders to go into effect at 12:00 […]