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It is an honour for me to be invited to speak at this Global Focus Summit to present the perspective of a small country’s response to the enhanced global geopolitical power shifts, so evident in the region now more than ever.Let me begin by reiterating the Pacific leaders long term vision for the region as […]

Excellency Reuven RivlinFellow leaders of our Blue Pacific familyLadies and Gentlemen. I wish to acknowledge this historical event between Israel and the Pacific because it demonstrates our strengthened role in creating durable and genuine partnerships towards the sustainable development of our countries. Likewise I also recognize the important role Fiji is playing in hosting this […]

The first Israeli-Pacific leaders summit was hosted by the Government of Fiji at the Pullman resort from the 20-21 February. The summit was attended by the prime ministers of Fiji Hon Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, Samoa; Hon Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi and Papua New Guinea Hon James Marape, Deputy Prime Minister of Tonga Hon Vuna Fa’ofusia; Deputy […]

NEOC; The National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) has been activated to prepare for Tropical Cyclone Wasi (formerly Tropical Depression TD10F).  TD10F was upgraded to TC Wasi at 2.00pm this afternoon.  According to the latest Special Weather Bulletin, if TC Wasi continues on its projected track it will relocate at about 85km (46nm) southwest of Tafitoala […]