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  Samoa ready to IMPRESS with renewable energy project PRESS RELEASE; As officials gather in Bonn for the annual COP climate talks, the Government of Samoa and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) today officially launched a multi-million dollar project (dubbed “IMPRESS” – “Improving the Performance and Reliability of Renewable Energy Power System in Samoa”) […]

Apia Water Front Project

Apia Waterfront Development Project on the move   (PRESS SECRETARIART); The New Zealand Aid Programme has committed funding to develop in front of the main Government Building into an events space, and create an attractive pedestrian walkway from the Clock Tower to the waterfront edge. Meanwhile Huizhou Municipality from China is also developing a concept […]

  The Huizhou Municipal People’s Hospital of Guangdong of the People’s Republic of China through China’s Ambassador in Samoa, HE Wang Xuefeng presented medical equipment for Samoa this morning. The ceremony was held at the Samoa Pharmaceutical Warehouse at Motootua, where the Minister of Health, Afioga Tuitama Dr Leao Talalelei Tuitama received the donation on […]

The Samoa National Cybersecurity Strategy 2016-2021 by MCIT was officially launched yesterday morning at the Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi convention centre. Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Afioga Afamasaga Fonoti Lepuia’i Rico Tupai delivered the keynote address. The launching of the strategy was performed by MCIT Associate Minister, Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi. Afamasaga spoke of the […]

Pictured: Participants and staff of the Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development at the Small Business Training conducted at the Maota o Pulenuu from the 23rd to 27th January, 2017. The training is part of the National Youth Week programme. Theme: Youth Leading Sustainability for Vulnerable Families Tupulaga Talavou ma Atinae Gafataulimaina mo Aiga Ma’ale’ale […]

His Highness the Head of State, Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi and government dignitaries attended a special celebration of Australia Day last night at the residence of the Australian High Commissioner. Prime Minister, Susuga Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi delivered the keynote address at the event, where he reflected on the decades-long cooperation between both governments and […]

Prime Minister, Susuga Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi officially launched the second Science Teachers Accelerated Programme (STAP II) this morning at USP Alafua Campus. This programme offered scholarships for local science teachers to undertake a Bachelor of Science Programme at the University of the South Pacific. STAP was initiated from a partnership by the Government of Samoa […]