The Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (MESC) in partnership with the Ministry of Police (MOP) completed another round of spot-check visits for Compulsory Education in Savaii last week
The Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (MESC) in partnership with the Ministry of Police (MOP) completed another round of spot-check visits for Compulsory Education in Savaii last week
The Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries join forces with members of the Villages to implement a crown of thorns, (commonly known as the alamea) clean up campaign.
1. Prime Minister travels to Azerbaijan
2. Report on Qualifications Seminar
3. Contract for LiDAR products and services for MNRE
Palalaua College opened its new school facilities on Monday this week.
On Thursday (23 April 2015) morning, the Prime Minister and Cabinet officially opened the new hospital at Sataua.
A short groundbreaking ceremony took place on Thursday (23 April 2015) morning at Tuasivi Hospital, where Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi officially launched the start of major extension and renovation works.
“If Bainimarama is serious with his plan not to come in he must formally inform the President of the Forum, of his Government’s intention.” – Prime Minister Tuilaepa
1. Report on Meeting regarding persons with disabilities.
2. Report on SAME Exhibition in Sydney.
3. 2Samoa Trade Fair
4. Upgrade for Revenue Management System
The “Best Proposal Award”, was presented by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in recognition of addressing Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) for Pacific Island Countries. Samoa submitted its proposal showcasing one of its community-based effort titled “Non-communicable diseases: early detection and management through community participation”.
THE SAME-Australia Buy Samoa Made Trade Show and Permanent Exhibition Launch in Liverpool, Sydney Australia was an overwhelming success –far exceeding the expectations of SAME and the organizers of the Export Drive Project. The Trade Show was well attended by the Samoan/Pacific and Australian business community; Importers & Distributors; the media as well as the Government & Trade and Investment officials.