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Aso Tofi, 2 Ianuari 2025, 9.00am Fa’afetai atu i le Fofoga o le Aso mo lo’u avanoa. Ua tafa manino atamua o le taeao, o le taeao-afua, o le aso lua o le savaliga o lenei Tausaga Fou 2025. Tausaga Fou manuia i lo tatou nu’u. Ua logologo le pualilo nai Ōlo pei o le […]

(Monday 9 December 2024, Taumeasnia Island Resort, 6.30-8.30pm) Reverend Semi Kueva Fa’atoafe Afioga Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II and Masiofo Afioga Le Mamea Ropati Mualia and Faletua Ministers of Cabinet Speaker of the House Leader of the Opposition Members of Parliament Members of the Judiciary HE Senta Keisuke, Ambassador of Japan Members of the Diplomatic Corps […]

(9th December 2024) E manatu o lea ua ma’ea ona paelago Paia, Sa ma Faiga o lenei taeao e le fofoga o le Aso. O lea foi ua ma’ea ona fusifusi laau ma momoli i Foga’a e ala i le taulaga pai ana saunia e le Susuga i le fa’afeagaiga taulagi, le susuga ia Seilala […]

Samoa hosted the United Nations Secretary-General, His Excellency Antonio Guterres on his official visit from 21st to 23rd August 2024. The UN Secretary-General’s visit to Samoa and the Pacific region not only brings global attention to the severe impact of the climate change on Pacific communities but shows commitment to our Blue Pacific region to […]

The Honourable La’aulialemalietoa Leuatea Polataivao Fosi Schmidt, Samoa’s Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, lead a high-level delegation to attend the prestigious FAO World Food Forum and Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum, held from 14-16 October 2024 at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. The delegation includes Seuseu Dr. Joseph Tauati, CEO of the Ministry of Agriculture and […]